Sunday 28 August 2011

The end is nigh... Do your kids start school soon?

Is that a good or a bad thing?

How has the summer been for you? Five long weeks of torture so far? Or a wonderful and special time that you get to spend with your offspring once a year?

Or neither of those polar opposites and just a pretty usual mix of good and not so good behaviour, of bored kids, of excited kids, of holidays, of a little sun and a lot of rain! That pretty much sums up my summer, with some work thrown in for good measure!

As it draws near to the end of the summer holidays I am reflecting on the last few weeks and pondering what the next few months hold for me and my family... our lives are all changing.

JJ starts year 3 and continues with his assessment for a communication based learning disorder such as Aspergers. We now have some ideas to be able to help him from his occupational therapy consultations and to be honest I am just not worried about him.  He is a cheeky and extremely bright near 8 year old.  His report was phenominal and we were (are) so proud of his achievements.  My heart will just be in my throat again for a short while whilst he gets used to his new teachers and makes this transition between classes which has always proved so hard him so far.

Also in just one weeks time my twinnies start full-time school and I have adjusted my hours at work to be there for the kids as much as I can and I am super excited for my little girls, growing up and developing. They are so ready for this change, for weeks they have asked me when they will go to big school and when will they finish nursery? Desperate to be at school with their big brother.  They have eagerly tried on their new shoes and PE kit this week and I have got their unfiorms out and labelled and ironed them.  I am now ready for day one, a week early!  lol I never change!

But you know what I am most excited about? and I am not supposed to admit this.... I will have 2 days a week to myself.  When I drop the kids to school at 8.50am on Monday 5th September 2011 I will reap the reward of the last 4 years of hard slog, for that is what it is bringing up 3 young children much of the time, a bit of a slog.  Don't get me wrong, I adore my kids and I am lucky to have a hubbie who adores the kids too and is there to help me but there is no denying that it is really hard work. For every moment we hug, round around laughing or play together there is another where they do not listen, fight each other, whinge or generally be defiant.

So for two days of every week from 8.50am - 3.15pm I am a free agent.  Mich can do what she pleases, hurrah!  I will get my hair cut, have the occasional massage, drink tea, meet friends, exercise, read my book and I'll blog.  Yes I expect I will do all those luxurious things for about ohhh 3 hours a week. What will the rest of the time be spent doing?  Something that I deem to be more worthwhile.  You must have read before about my warped sense of achievement and how I feel I have to be doing to be achieving. So I expect I will be cleaning, sorting, gardening and decorating in abundance. Yes, being me I am sure I will also get sucked into all sorts of things external to my home, I have already committed to helping with toddler group every other week.  I expect I will continue to help with reading at school and I have committed to helping more with the PTA again this year.

Life will be busy but it will be good.  Being my own boss and having my own time again will be amazing. I know that in having time to recharge my batteries and to actually miss my kids I will be a far better and more patient mum when I am with them.

What about you, what does September hold? Is anything changing in your house?

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