You might already know that I am a nosey type, not nasty nosey you understand just wanting to know the ins and outs of things. So I thought it was time that I got to know a bit more about you and delved into your inner workings and thus I created a quick new meme which will help me do that. Let's see what has influenced you in your blogging journey... (be it as a blogger or as a reader)
Introducing the Blog Crush!
This is not a stalker type crush, there are no declarations of love here, this is just a bit of fun so we can all discover which are the blogs that draw you back time and time again. Did particular blogs or bloggers' styles help you to find who you were in blogging? Has a particular blogger taught you an important lesson?

Wanna know who my crushes are?
Here is my orginal crush, the first mummy blog I found, way back in August 2009. The very well-read
Sticky Fingers, from my first read I was hooked and every week I go back for more. I am not a stalker, I don't read every post or comment on all but I am there frequently and never once yet have I been dissapointed. Tara has a very unique voice and that is one of the things I love about her blog. So the thing I learnt from Tara was to be me and be true to myself, blog as I speak (and she taught me all this without ever giving me a piece of advice on the matter - good hey?) On Saturday I get to meet Tara for the first time and she has promised me a big squeeze against her ample bossom, what more could I want? Oh yeah a couple of Lego mini-figs please for the kids.
I have another little crush I could tell you about too. This is a newer blogger than Tara but in the scheme of parenting blogging she is well established now. Holly of
It's a Mummy's Life started out in her public blogging journey about the same time I did at the end of 2009 and she was a real friend to me in the early days, encouraging me and commenting. She has a beautifully candid and real style of writing and is another blog I get drawn back to frequently. The thing I learnt from Holly was to forget the rat race, blog for you, how you want and don't get caught up in the competition or the hype! Thanks Holly, I also look forward to meeting you on Saturday as well, what a day!
So I have revealed my secret little crushes and now it is time to reveal yours.... Blog if you have been tagged or leave a comment.... Cheers x
Rules of this meme:
- Reveal your own blog crush or it can be multiple crushes if you just can not decide - perhaps 3!
- Tell that blogger you have a crush on them (oh the shame!)
- Tag some other bloggers to do the same, I'll let you decide how many we are all grown up after all!
- Take the badge and place it in your post if you like (no pressure, except of course I'll cry if you don't! Yeah right)
So here are my tagees -
The Boy and Me - This anon blogger is a ballsy lady who knows her mind. I will be interested to see if any bloggers have helped her to find her own blogging style.
New Mum Online - Liska is wonderfully friendly and had a blog for some time before the one she writes now, so she may just have some bloggers up her sleeve who are outside my normal circle of reading.
Sticky Fingers - Well I had to tag my own original blog crush didn't I? Let's see if anyone helped inform Miss Cains very unique style
Typecast - My hate to love blog friend (that's she hates me and I love her! lol)
A Mothers Ramblings - Pippa made my shortlist. One of the earliest blogs I found, she is always full of life and laughs. Am obvious choice for a little crush!
The Five F's - OK, yes I am tagging Kate as I want to see if her twitter husband makes it into the post! lmao (sorry love x)
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