Thursday 13 January 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1,2,3 - Week 2. Join In Now!

Here we are again, it is that time of the week! How quick this first week has passed, I have been excited and nervous for this second week wondering if people will join in again. I do hope so. I class last weeks link up as a major success as 38 of you took the time to join in and I went and visited you all and cheered myself up immensely. I can not promise to visit you all every week, my visits this week led to two very late nights and two days of grumpy Mummy! whoops.

Onto my reasons - My reasons for being cheerful this week -
  1. JJ, he is enough to make anyone happy.  He can drive you bonkers at times but on balance is divine. Here is a snippet from his prayers last night ' Dear God, Sorry that I keep TOOTing (talking out of turn - calling out basically) at school I do not mean to.......Thank you that I have the best teacher in the world....... Please help all the poor people to have money, all the hungry people to have food, all the thirsty people to have water and the people with no houses to have shelter.... Amen.  He certainly made me smile, proud and well up all in the space of 5 minutes.
  2. You guys. I love my blog and more than that I love the people who come here and visit and support me.  Things seem to be going well at the moment and I am enjoying everything bloggy and twitter too.
  3. I have been mainly abstinent this last week. If you are not sure what that means, read this post. It is always a minor miracle when I manage to go through a week without eating on my every emotion.  I weighed myself yesterday and was pleased to see I have dropped 10lb since after Christmas.  Still a long way to go but one day at a time.
Here is the lovely little button if you want to use it in your post of pop it on your side bar.  No pressure but it would certainly make me smile!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

and remember that if you tweet your post or promote others to use the hashtag #Reasons2BCheerful on Twitter.  Then we can all keep up with each other!

So over to you.....  Here is the linky.....  Thanks for joining in,  Mich x

(Don't forget this is a blog hop, so you can easily get the code and paste it into the end of your Reasons post and then your friends and followers can join in without having to come back here.  Some of you did this last week and it seemed to work very well, but again no pressure).

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