Dear JJ,
What to do about your birthday my darling? I have no idea what is for the best. You want a party, you don't mind what type but you want all your friends there and you want to get a present from each of them (yes I can tell you are a 6 year old boy! lol). I just can not get past your referral for assessment that your teacher did earlier this year that said you had no real friends, because you tried to control all play situations. I do not know if I want a load of kids in my house or to take them out somewhere if they do not really like you. This is probably me over analysing things as the group of kids you play with and the Mums I chat to are a really nice bunch but because I am your Mum it just breaks my heart that they might just come to the party because it is A party rather than because it is YOUR party.
I love you so much little man, it breaks my heart that I do not know how to help you be more confident in social situations and to know what is acceptable and what is not.
Daddy says we should do a party and then you will get invites in return and this will help you bond with people and feel accepted. I hate the idea that we buy your friendships by giving a party or people feeling they have to invite you in response but of course I want you to be happy on your birthday and beyond. I wondered if we should have a celebration with another family who I know love you as much as we do and we will go out and bowl and eat with them.
I think I am realising that I can not live your life or even really guide your life. I should pray and hand this over to God and see where he takes me.
Thanks for being a fab son, looking forward to watching X factor together tonight and sharing our popcorn.
Love you, Mummy xxxxxx
**If any readers have any great input for me on this subject please do let me know, post here, text, tweet, FB, whatever. Thanks **
Little Ladies,
You make me so proud, much like your big brother. How can Daddy and I created such bright children?
But, yes there is a but... Little Miss E you have got to stop wetting yourself. Why has this started again? Months we have had with no accidents and dry nights and now all a sudden you are wetting up to 3 times a day and then smiling about it. I just don't get it babe.
And Miss M, you are not off the hook. You must listen to Mummy and Daddy. Stop trying to push us to our limits and test us. The boundaries do not change, will you realise that soon please. No means no in this house we do not have days when it actually means yes but lets piss about for a big first!!
Like I said before we love you a lot, just those little bits to iron out.
Mummy xxx
Hello Babe,
Thanks so much for taking JJ to work with you the last few Saturdays when it has been quiet. He so loves spending time with his Daddy and you must realise how much easier it is for me to just look after the girls alone.
You are a fab Daddy and generally a really good hubbie but I just have one wish, that when I come home from work on a Tuesday and you have been here all day with the kids that you take 20 minutes before I get home to tidy the house. You know how you come home to dinner and a tidy house most days of the week, it is really not that hard. It just takes a bit of thought and discipline - I just get the kids motivated for about 20 mins before we collect you to sort things out. I bet it is nice when you walk in the door to sit down and cuddle the kids or watch a bit of TV. I would really love to do that and I know you would say - just do it but I hate the mess around me and I know I won't be able to relax that night until it is cleared.
Yes I expect I do want too much, many men do nothing and can not even look after the kids or cook the dinner but that is the thing. I know you are capable, we used to work together so then I want more. Just a tidy house, not a clean one, I can do that but just tidied please.
Thanks so much, Love Mich xx
Dear House,
I am so happy with you right now. Yes the front room/ dining room still look like a pit with a big hole in the wall and a carpet which looks like someone has been murdered on it but the space, oh the space - it is divine. I never knew one woman could be so happy with a garage conversion.
I remember hearing an Indian folk story about the family who felt they did not have enough space in their home and the village wise man told them to put there sheep in the house for 2 weeks and then their cattle and then their chickens etc etc and then after a couple of weeks when the owner went back to the wise man he told him to remove all the animals and the problem will be gone and he was right - the owner was grateful for what he had.
Well my house has been a bit like that, all on top of each other since the conversion started a couple of months ago and now slowly things are moving to their new homes and the space is really making my day!
Just think within a few months the lounge will have been re-plastered and decorated and a new carpet laid and then how happy will I be? Fit to burst maybe.
Thanks for making my weekend,
Your owner, Mich x
Dear Readers,
Thanks as always for stopping by and listening to me waffle on. I can not believe how many of you came to visit my The Gallery Entry this week.
Have you seen I have got to 91 followers now? I had set myself the target of 90 by the end of Sept, blown out the water - you lot always pull the rabbit out of the hat and spur me forward, thanks. Will obviously have to aim for 100 now! lol
If you are new here and like what you read then press press the follow button or use Goggle friends connect and leave me a comment, I love to chat with you.
Cheers Mich x
PS - Pop over and see Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow as she hosts the Dear So and So meme and there are always some other fab entries to check out.