What an asshole!
Why did you have to steal my hubbies bike? What an inconvenience. Do you not realise how much that helps me when he cycles to the station and more than anything what about my little boy? How gutted he is going to be when he realises that him and Dad can not have their bike rides until we get dh another bike.
I hope you are pleased with yourself!
Angry Mich (grrr)
Dear Builders,
I was so mad and more than anything sad when you knocked the wall through and trashed my house as nothing was crovered. I am now recovering from that 3 weeks later and I am becoming so excited with how the old garage/ new playroom is transforming. My kids are going to be over the moon when it is finished.
Thanks for doing a good job, despite the hic-ups along the way and thanks for the £200 you have knocked off the bill!
Dear dh,
Wow, do you look good! I am so proud of you. You are doing an amazing job losing weight and you really seem to be getting yourself together right now. I do hope you are still feeling better in yourself like last time we got to have a decent chat. When we get some alone time next week I will cook you a lovely meal for your birthday and we can enjoy being together.
Love you babe, Mich xxxxx
To my little angel Miss M,
You are my delight at the moment. I love to watch how you are growing up. Your polite behaviour today in the shop was just another reminder of what a lovely little girl you are becoming.
You make my heart melt, I adore you Mini me.
Mummy xxxx

Hello Poppet,
How could I do a note to your twin and then not one to you? That is the thing with twinnies it has to be equal everything. You, my baby are my sanity in a world of chaos. When your brother and sister are off the wall I can rely on you to come for a cuddle and a quiet read of a book. I love the serious way you to chat to me and the beautiful thoughtful look you get on your face.
You are my dream baby.
Love you, Mummy xxxx
To my big boy,
I am missing you handsome man. I miss the fun we have together, playing games, snuggling, watching TV, you being helpful and guess what - it is so much quieter without you here!
I know you will be having a fab time at Nanny's and I get to see you tomorrow for a big cuddle and kiss.
Love to the best boy in the world.
Mummy xxxx
Dear Weather,
Why do you feel the need to keep raining at the moment? Yes, my grass looks much better now it is green again rather than straw yellow but surley we could compromise and you could rain at night.
I am supposed to be taking the girls swimming tomorow to an outdoor pool. This is a remarkable outing as it is so hard to find somewhere where I can take the girls 2:1 ratio and then I see you want to literally rain on parade!
Pah, pissed off Mich
To the POPOTOMS girls,
You know who you are! I had loads of fun when we met last year and stayed in Birmingham and I am expecting this time to blow that one out of the water. Roll on Saturday....
So cheers ladies, I will be raising my glasses with some of you and toasting those of you who can not make it.
Remember twin mum rock!!
Mich x
Dear wonderful readers,
You keep coming back and that is great! Even in the summer when many people are away I seem to be finding some new followers and from that some great new blogs to read and follow myself.
I am back to setting myself targets. I would like to get to 90 followers by the end of September. So that is 11 to go. When I finally get to 100 I will do a giveaway to the 100th follower as a little fun thank you.
So if you like what you read please use google friends to connect/ follow and do leave me a comment. I always respond.
Cheers, Mich x
Why did you have to steal my hubbies bike? What an inconvenience. Do you not realise how much that helps me when he cycles to the station and more than anything what about my little boy? How gutted he is going to be when he realises that him and Dad can not have their bike rides until we get dh another bike.
I hope you are pleased with yourself!
Angry Mich (grrr)
Dear Builders,
I was so mad and more than anything sad when you knocked the wall through and trashed my house as nothing was crovered. I am now recovering from that 3 weeks later and I am becoming so excited with how the old garage/ new playroom is transforming. My kids are going to be over the moon when it is finished.
Thanks for doing a good job, despite the hic-ups along the way and thanks for the £200 you have knocked off the bill!
Dear dh,
Wow, do you look good! I am so proud of you. You are doing an amazing job losing weight and you really seem to be getting yourself together right now. I do hope you are still feeling better in yourself like last time we got to have a decent chat. When we get some alone time next week I will cook you a lovely meal for your birthday and we can enjoy being together.
Love you babe, Mich xxxxx
To my little angel Miss M,
You are my delight at the moment. I love to watch how you are growing up. Your polite behaviour today in the shop was just another reminder of what a lovely little girl you are becoming.
You make my heart melt, I adore you Mini me.
Mummy xxxx

Hello Poppet,
How could I do a note to your twin and then not one to you? That is the thing with twinnies it has to be equal everything. You, my baby are my sanity in a world of chaos. When your brother and sister are off the wall I can rely on you to come for a cuddle and a quiet read of a book. I love the serious way you to chat to me and the beautiful thoughtful look you get on your face.
You are my dream baby.
Love you, Mummy xxxx

To my big boy,
I am missing you handsome man. I miss the fun we have together, playing games, snuggling, watching TV, you being helpful and guess what - it is so much quieter without you here!
I know you will be having a fab time at Nanny's and I get to see you tomorrow for a big cuddle and kiss.
Love to the best boy in the world.
Mummy xxxx

Dear Weather,
Why do you feel the need to keep raining at the moment? Yes, my grass looks much better now it is green again rather than straw yellow but surley we could compromise and you could rain at night.
I am supposed to be taking the girls swimming tomorow to an outdoor pool. This is a remarkable outing as it is so hard to find somewhere where I can take the girls 2:1 ratio and then I see you want to literally rain on parade!
Pah, pissed off Mich
To the POPOTOMS girls,
You know who you are! I had loads of fun when we met last year and stayed in Birmingham and I am expecting this time to blow that one out of the water. Roll on Saturday....
So cheers ladies, I will be raising my glasses with some of you and toasting those of you who can not make it.
Remember twin mum rock!!
Mich x
Dear wonderful readers,
You keep coming back and that is great! Even in the summer when many people are away I seem to be finding some new followers and from that some great new blogs to read and follow myself.
I am back to setting myself targets. I would like to get to 90 followers by the end of September. So that is 11 to go. When I finally get to 100 I will do a giveaway to the 100th follower as a little fun thank you.
So if you like what you read please use google friends to connect/ follow and do leave me a comment. I always respond.
Cheers, Mich x
PS - It's FlogYoBlog Friday again! Have a look at the blog hop below and visit a few fab bloggers. Spread the blogger love.