Tuesday 16 June 2015

Dear So and So - The Race for Life Edition

Dear girls,

Thanks so much for being my companions at the Race for Life on Sunday. It was such a privilege to do this with you and whilst we only walked it, I think it was more important that we raised money, championed a cause and took part together than our time of 1 hour and 1 minute.

Love you both, mummy xx

PS - Yes when you are teenagers you can do it on your own and run the race and half my time *sigh*

Dear friends,

Thank you to so many of you for sponsoring us, we raised just over £200 and I think that is marvellous.

You all rock, Mich

To Brioche Pasquier,

You make some seriously great little brioches that my kids adore for a breakfast treat or in their lunchbox and I think your new chocolate chip seeded brioche is tasty too, sadly only one of my children agreed with me but then the other two hate seeds so it was too be expected. The girls and I loved being part of your Race for Life team and I was proud to wear the t-shirt (which thankfully stretched to my size!) 

It is fab how you Champion the Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life 2015 series. Last year you raised £20,000 for Cancer Research UK through your Raise Some Dough promotion and this year you offered 400 free entries for Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life series and hosted the fabulous Share a moment giveaway. You are doing a great job! 

Thanks also for the £50 you donated to our fund raising efforts, I know it will be put to good use..

Thanks a lot, the Pannell family

Thank you God,

The weather you provided for our walk (I can't really call it a race when we were not being competitive at all) was fabulous. No rain, warm but not too hot.

Thanks for always looking after us, Mich x

Dear body,

You found that a real struggle didn't you? It's to be expected I suppose, you are carrying about 7 or 8 stone in excess weight. It is no wonder really that your knees hurt and you feel completely exhausted after the 12 km that you walked Sunday morning.

I'm going to try real hard to treat you better as things can't go on like this, I understand that.

Thanks, your owner, Mich x


We all hate you and one day I pray we see an end to you. You have taken hold of too many people that we love and I pray they have gone to a better place to be reunited with you. RIP Nanny Mary and Granddad Jack, loved you both so much.


Uncle Derek,

It was so pertinent to have your funeral just a few days before we took part in the Race for Life and I felt privileged to read on behalf of your children.

Thank the Lord you are in pain no longer.



If you fancy linking up a letter/ notes post then please do and I'll come comment and share and why don't you take a moment to comment on a couple of other posts in the linky please.

We tweet with the hashtag #DearSoandSo and feel free to use the badge below so people can find the linky.

Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x

Dear So and So at Mummy from the Heart
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