Dear Clare,
Thanks for being my roomie yet again but sorry the Travelodge was
so hot that you didn't get any sleep and I got very little. We really must try
to be more classy next year and stay somewhere else! Anyway I had a fab time
with you, particularly on the Friday when we both had a little too much booze
and enjoyed dinner with some epic ladies, even if that Jessup really was quite
rude to me and Stef revealed things to the whole restaurant that she might have
regretted the next morning.
It was good to know that throughout the conference I could easily
find you in your comfy courtyard chair crocheting a granny square.
Love you bloggy bestie, Mich xx
PS - I love this picture of us, it is probably my favourite picture of me in years
Dear Jen and Susanna,
What a great Britmums Live it was this year. I don't know if it's
because I'm a confident old-timer now but I had such fun. So many wonderful
friends (old and new to catch up with), a really relaxed and positive vibe and
Carol Smilie made the BIBs seem like such an event. Of course the delicious
Lindemans those made my evening flow too and I was super happy to get as a
thank-you for speaking.
On that subject, thanks for having me. I loved sitting on a panel
of passionate and inspiring woman talking about what motivates me and how we
can get more involved in our own cause or charities we are passionate about.
One of my highlights of the conference was also that first 20 minutes when I
stand at the door, give out programmes and welcome people in for registration.
It is that brief first moment (I hope) when a newbie sees my smile, hears the
word welcome and knows that Britmums Live us for them.
You ladies know how to rock a conference and I'm excited to see
what next year holds (and of course help again wherever I can).
Mich xx
Dear Polly and Emilia at Mark Warner,
Thanks so much for inviting me to brunch, it was fabulous to meet
you and of course Foxlow did us all proud with the most amazing brunch and
Mimosa cocktails.
I have to be honest and say that by the end of the meal I was
green with envy hearing from all the bloggers who have been lucky enough to
visit your beautiful resorts. Levante Beach Resort particularly sounds wonderful for
my water loving children. All the practise my little Scout and Cubs get
sailing, swimming and kayaking will come in super useful if we manage to
successfully become one of your ambassadors in the future.
Thanks again, have a fabulous week, Michelle

Dear Bloggy friends,
Eight years ago I never even knew what a blog was let alone realised I would meet you all and gain an amazing and inspiring network of strong and inspirational women. I love that we are all so different and in many things our opinions differ and our paths would not normally cross but we all choose to be friends and to support each other. Thank you all, you know who you are and you make my life richer for knowing you.
Love you, Mich (the lush!) xx
@michelletwinmum YOU were the highlight of my week-end you lush. Sorry missed you. Yes, lets xx
— Anya Harris (@anyaharris01) June 22, 2015
Dear Self,
Dear Self,
Well done, go on pat yourself on the back, you did good girl!
Your speaker panel went well, you talked to lots of newbie bloggers who might
have felt lonely otherwise, you enjoyed yourself and you managed to keep a
sense of perspective about what to wear and the devil that is comparison.
Now you just need to get some decent sleep and get back to the
healthy eating and exercise you had started before Britmums Live, I know you
can do it.
Love, me xx
Dear Jaume and the Costa Brava team,
You were by far my favourite brand at the event. As I said in my
email to you, your passion and professionalism for your resort are so
inspiring. I love the fact that you are not trying to make bloggers jump
through hoops to work with you, you just want old-fashioned honesty and
authentic promotion that gets the word out about what an amazing region to get
to live and work in.
I do hope we can work together in the future but what will be,
will be.
Kind regards, Michelle
Dear dh and kids,
Thanks all that you make it so easy for me to go away and leave
you for a day or two. I need this time to recharge and have some fun and it
makes it such a delight when I know you are all well looked after and enjoying each
other’s company.
Oh and girls, when I get off the train at nine o'clock at night and I'm totally shattered but the first thing I hear is 'Mummy, mummy' from the bridge, that is just pure awesomeness, thank you my babies.
If you fancy linking up a letter/ notes post then please do and I'll come comment and share and why don't you take a moment to comment on a couple of other posts in the linky please.
We tweet with the hashtag #DearSoandSo and feel free to use the badge below so people can find the linky.
Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x
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