Dear PR person,
I know it is your job and I am sure you are very lovely so I don't want to be unkind to you, but do you realise that because I've been blogging such a long time now I get about 50 emails a day asking me to tweet, post, share etc and I just cannot do them all? In fact I don't even want to do them all even if I had infinite time as my readership would be bored to tears!
I'm a busy woman with three kids, a husband and three voluntary jobs, as well as my campaigning and paid writing work. I have no spare capacity to read all your press releases and then to promote your products for free. I won't be rude to you but at the moment I'm struggling to respond to every email, so please do not chase me 2 or 3 days after your email if you've not heard from me. Just know that I can't do it right now but leave me on your mailing list and next time I might be able to help.
Thanks a lot,
Michelle (not Mummy from the Heart as so many people love to address me! grr)
Dear Bloggers,
I feel a bit mean writing this one as I should have told you before now but Mich is for Michelle and I pronounce it meeshhh not Mitch. I have no idea who this Mitch is and I don't relate to the name at all and in fact it is why when you call me Mitch in real life, I very often do not turn round and answer as I genuinely have no idea you are talking to me.
Now, I know I have let this go on too long and Anya, I have no idea why I have not said something,probably because I felt it was my own fault but after lots of Mitch calling at BritMums Live I feel the need to share.
Love you all, genuinely I do
Mich (Meeshhh) xxx
Dear Random Gmail person,
Who are you and where did you come from? You tell me you are a freelancer and you are providing top quality content but you do not seem to work for an SEO or PR agency, you are just a random person, seemingly plucked from the air for your poor spelling and lack of knowledge of the English language. I don't want your posts, I don't want $50 from you or even $150 dollars from you as your work is such poor quality and my blog is not called Spamalot.
When I tell you no, it is not an invitation to negotiate, I am being really genuine and I mean no. The first few times you came back offering more money I chuckled and now I just find it annoying. Have you never heard that no means no? Well it does with this lady.
Please leave me be and we will get on just fine!
Thanks, Michelle
Dear Readers,
I absolutely love you and I appreciate every one of you. I know some of you come back for every post and others dip in and out and that's OK, I just like it when you visit and comment and I get to know you have been here reading and hopefully enjoying.
Many of you have stuck with me a long time now and watched as things have changed and grown here on Mummy from the Heart and I hope you will stick around for a long time yet. I'm nowhere near done yet, there are too many words bubbling inside this head and dying to get out.
Fabulous to know you, Mich xx
Dear Self,
I know how much you love blogging and how much it helps you and others, so I don't expect you to stop but please I just ask that you keep perspective. You write about the good balance you have and I need you to make sure this stays the case, I'd suggest one whole day (like 24 full days) off every single week, let's see if you can do that. I know the kids would love it and your tapestry sure needs some progress if you will get it finished by the end of 2016!
Cheers, Mich x
If you fancy linking up a letter/ notes post then please do and I'll come comment and share and why don't you take a moment to comment on a couple of other posts in the linky please.
We tweet with the hashtag #DearSoandSo and feel free to use the badge below so people can find the linky.
Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x

Dear Self,
I know how much you love blogging and how much it helps you and others, so I don't expect you to stop but please I just ask that you keep perspective. You write about the good balance you have and I need you to make sure this stays the case, I'd suggest one whole day (like 24 full days) off every single week, let's see if you can do that. I know the kids would love it and your tapestry sure needs some progress if you will get it finished by the end of 2016!
Cheers, Mich x
If you fancy linking up a letter/ notes post then please do and I'll come comment and share and why don't you take a moment to comment on a couple of other posts in the linky please.
We tweet with the hashtag #DearSoandSo and feel free to use the badge below so people can find the linky.
Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x
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