You'll know (because I have been constantly boring you) that my family are moving to the countryside at the end of July and this means we have the whole month of August to enjoy before the kids formally start at their new school. What will we do with our time I start to wonder to myself?
I keep seeing posts about the plans people are making for their summer holidays and then the lovely Clare at Clarinas Contemplations tweeted me to see if I might like to join in with #GetGoodSummer, the idea being that you don't waste your summer and you set yourself five goals to achieve over the summer period. I read her post and thought it was a lovely idea and I understand that for some summer may pass by in a haze of days achieving nothing. But for me this year I want to have the whole of the month of August doing not a lot!
For at least the last twenty years I have spent most every day working to plan, living by to-do lists and knowing exactly what I will do and where I am going, so what I really need is to do nothing much. I will set myself five goals for the summer and join in with #GetGoodSummer but it will be all about the chill time.
So what are my five goals over the summer months?
1. Be more absorbed in my kids than my house. It would be so easy to move in at the end of July and then to spend the next month getting my house straight, buying all those last things we need, unpacking every box, finding a home for all our belongings but then I'd wake up one morning and be ready to play with the kids and realise it was September and they were at school. They can't happen, the house can wait.
2. Spend time every single day with God. Just me and Him, in silence, in prayer, in meditation, in singing - in whatever suits that moment but it must happen every day as I need to start as I mean to go along and not allow anything to get in the way of the most important relationship in my life.
3. Tell dh I love him every day. I have missed my husband so much in these last couple of weeks of being separate that I need to remind him how much he means to me. Becoming complacent in a relationship is not OK and we need to start our date night again and both make more effort.
4. Be mindful of my overeating. I'm not actually sure what is the right way forward with my food. I know I am eating too much and the wrong things. I need to loose weight but I don't know how to do it. So for now I commit to being mindful of what I am eating, I will plan my meals and adhere to my meal plans.
5. To get moving. Like the goal above I have no real idea what to do exercise wise, I mentioned about walking the lakes and that is fine. But realistically for August I'll have the kids in tow all month, so I need to find things to do with them - basketball, catch, swimming and just generally running around. I need to catch the exercise bug and as long as I end the summer fitter and enjoying getting moving more than when I start, I'll be happy.
So there we go, 5 things to keep me focused over the next couple of months.
Do you fancy joining in with either of these summer linkies? Head over and see the hosts and find out more....
Catch you soon, Mich x
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