I'm really pleased to be sat here writing a Reasons to be Cheerful post. Without being conscious that I was, this week I have been counting every blessing and have been reminded of the importance of gratitude. When I first started #R2BC back in 2011 it was because I needed to look at the good in my life and to reset to be content and grateful for what I had. It really worked for me and I truly believe that the two main keys to contentment are being happy with what you have and not seeking more and more, as well as being grateful.
So here we go with this weeks dose of positivity. The things I am feeling super grateful for right now are -
- Blue skies and sunny days
- The air conditioning in my car
- That my house stays cool, even in crazy hot weather as we have 1ft thick walls!
- A fun festival in the grounds of where I live last Sunday
- JJ being made a Prefect for year 11 and getting an end of year award for maths
- Getting myself two gorgeous dresses from Maine at Debenhams today, they should have been £75 and I got them for £40. Bargain!
- I had a great chat with dh this morning, whilst we had a coffee after both having our hair cut
- We're trying out a new church on Sunday morning
- I'm still enjoying my work and if I go in early, even after a 45 minute drive I can still be home by 5pm
- Taking the girls swimming in the lake with lots of other people from our community after work
- The roses here are beautiful at he moment
- The most yummy piece of carrot cake
- Loads of new international volunteers where I live, and the wonderful interaction my girls are having with them
- Miss M has performed at school in the choir five times this week for the new year 7 intake evenings