Tuesday 28 August 2012

Just 5 minutes to myself please?

I have been back from holiday a couple of days now and I have some blog posts brewing in my head, reviews I need to write, announcements I want to make, updates to my exciting journey with ONE to Ethiopia and loads of wonderful holiday snaps to share but I can't seem to find the will to blog and that has been bugging me today.  But when it gets like that I find the best thing I can do is turn off the computer and walk away and do something else.

Sadly the do something else today has not been that exciting or stimulating.....  it has mainly consisted of breaking up sibling arguments, chastising one of my kids for their poor attitude and generally trying to get them to be nice to each other and respectful to me.

I easily could have titled this post -

Feeling frazzled!

Please kids, just shoosh!

When does school start again? or

Summer holiday fatigue.

Yes the last 6 weeks of the summer holiday have taken their toll on me.  There have been some wonderful times and we have had a great holiday in Bournemouth last week but school is dearly needed again.  That sense of routine, that discipline, that contact with their friends - bring it back!

Fun times - that see-saw was awesome!

Sorry to all the teachers out there, I know you have enjoyed your summer break, but parents like me across the country need to give our kids back to you.

For the next two days I am off to work and dh has the kids and boy am I looking forward to that. I plan to swim before work, achieve lots in a near empty office, go out on my lunch breaks, read my book and have a wonder around in silence. Then home to a cooked dinner and hopefully shattered kids who I will be pleased to see by that point.

Roll on Friday 7th September my day off work when the kids are back at school - big house clean up here I come....

Do tell me I am not the only Mummy in the world who just needs a rest from her kids sometimes.  This school holiday lark is a lot of fun but sure hard work too! How are you finding it?
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