Thursday 7 April 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1,2,3 - Week 14

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

Good evening all. I hope you are feeling cheerful this week.  If where you live has been anything like here then how can this beautiful sunshine fail to make you feel just a little brighter?

Lets dive straight in....  this weeks reasons to be cheerful are -

  1. Work.  I had to make 2 big presentations this week in my new job and they went well. I received comments and emails from senior people about how well I did, so that is super!
  2. I am a guest blogger today! Posting over on Maternity Matters.  Have you visited this site yet?  It has been set up by @Susurem and @Jaynecrammond as a resource for mothers who have experienced birth trauma, it is fully inclusive and will offer guest posts around all parenting topics. Today I have a 2 part post over there about what it means to be a Christian parent in a secular world.  If you fancy going over and sharing some comment love I'd really appreciate that.
  3. I got loads of housework done today and I did not even mind doing it.  The girls helped me make beds, empty bins, dust etc and they think it is fab - long may that last!  I am trying to get things all organised at home ready for next week, because...
  4. We are going to Spring Harvest!  This is a massive Christian festival held at Butlins and it is the highlight of my year, we have such an amazing time.  I pray to feel completely relaxed by the time I return home, I normally do.  I will be taking my laptop with me so I can plan the future program for creche.  I only plan to go on-line every other day for a maximum of an hour, so expect posts/ tweets etc to be much more sparse than normal and guess what else?  My lovely brother asked if could use the house while we are away and I said only if he fits some new lights for us!  So when we return things will be looking all glam in the living room!
What about you, what has brightened your week this week?

Last week I asked if you wanted to see any changes to R2BC and the overwhelming response was no, you like it just the way it is.  So I will change nada!

Another question for you, please let me know...

I have been struggling to get to every post and comment every week.  It really is my desire to do that but you know what things are like... life and kids get in the way!  What I wondered was if you expect me (as the host) to comment on each post you link up?  I realise it is polite and nice etiquette but of course I also know that some hosts don't and that's not an issue to me but I wondered if it was an issue to you?

It was suggested to me today that what I could do was RT your tweet, perhaps with a comment added about your post as a thank you for joining in.  Of course this is good for you too, as RT's from those with a fairly good Klout score, helps your own Klout score.  It means you would have to remember to use the #R2BC hashtag so I can find your tweets though.

So how does that sound, some weeks I'll comment on the blog and others I'll RT posts.  Would you be happy with that?

Do be honest with me, you know you can be.

Have a great week, Mich xx

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