Friday 15 April 2011

Oh what to pack when you are a 3 year old girl?

Decisions, decisions.  You should have seen the flurry in the playroom today, two 3 year old madams running round and throwing things everywhere!  Where is my phone?  Where are my pennies? Can I take my handbag?  These were the questions being slung at me when I returned from work on Wednesday and tried to get packed for our holiday.

The instruction I gave the girls (as much to get them out from my hair as to actually do some packing) was to get their Dora backpack and to put a few toys in it to take with them on holiday.

Let me show you what my little beauties chose to take on holiday and their bags are filled in nearly an identical way - super cute!

Let me help with what they packed, you in case you can not make out from the photo.  Some necklaces and bracelets to look pretty, a brush, nail file, mirror, pretend hairdryer, pretend make up and brush - just like Mummy has apparently. Mobile phone and their DS (a plastic magic drawing board from a comic - I love it that they think something worth 10p is the same as their brothers £100+ console!)

A couple of Mr Men books each, their build a bear, one called Sally and the other Jessie and they both have a small pushchair to take with them.  I know it will be a frequent afternoon activity to take a windy walk on the Skeggy prom pushing their furry babies. Of course, how can you go on holiday with no kit for your baby?  Well you can't obviously, so we have potty, bottle, bowl, rattle, blanket, musey, teddy and dummy for their build a bear.

Whilst I was in JJ's room getting this clothes ready I heard Miss M showing her Daddy what was in her bag and very nonchalantly told him she had a wand 'for making magic wishes'.  Just like Princess Holly of course!  If only Mummy could pack one of those too!

Don't you just love the innocence of play of this age group? I posted before about the fact that I have not exposed my young kids to too much technology and there was mixed opinion on if this was the right approach but I have to say that I am much happier with my pre-school children playing make believe, play doh and baby dolls.  At nearly 8 years JJ is desperate to get on the PC when he gets home from school and we have to limit his time or he would gladly do that or play his DS constantly.

What do you think to their packing?  Did they do a good job?  Or miss an essential item?

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