Monday 18 April 2011

Easter Play Idea - Growth in Jesus or New Life!

Here is a nice simple idea for a Christian or Easter play activity.  For a family who is not comfortable with the Christian faith you could center this activity around Easter time and the concept of new life with the focus being on lambs and chicks
About a month ago the kids and I went to Messy Church at our local Anglican Church and one of the activities we did was to grow a bean. Look what happens in a month with a bit of nurturing...

The logic is that we are all a little single, solitary bean and when we are nurtured and fed spiritually we will take root in Jesus and our faith will start to grown and eventually bear fruit.  Children, especially small children like my 3 year old twins love to understand concepts from a real and visual viewpoint and watching this bean grow we have been able to have some great little chats about growth with Jesus.

You will need a clean jam jar, with the label removed so you can watch the beans grow, some kitchen roll, a piece of cardboard and a bean - we used a kidney bean.

Take the cardboard and put the kitchen roll sheet around it, wrap into a tubular shape and insert into the jam jar.  Then wedge one or more beans between the glass and the kitchen roll.  The cardboard is holding the beans in place so they do not slip.

Every couple of days run a bit of water into the bottom of the jam jar, the kitchen roll will absorb this and ensure the bean stays moist and starts to sprout.  Enjoy watching it take root and start to sprout from all angels, then once it has got to a good size, you can transfer it outside and wait for the gorgeous fruits of your labour to arrive.

We hope you enjoy!  Mich x
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