I've been surprised just how much has gone on over the last couple of weeks as I looked back at my photos.
Apple picking here and now the apples are off being made into Ashburnham apple juice.

I know you must be bored of it by now,but I never tire of living here and I'm so grateful for the joy that Gods precious creation brings me.

Some friends had their children dedicated here and the kids all played afterwards. All of mine love the large hula hoop!

Bexhill beach on one of the amazing days we have had recently, I was feeling all patriotic with the flag!

The sunsets have been just wonderful recently. This is the view from my door and it looks this good most days.

We took a trip to Scotney Castle, which is a National Trust site and had a good few hours there. I really liked this simple white flower that I captured.

And a great photo of my mum with my kids.

Each month we have a special get together for all the kids to enjoy Jesus and each other. This picture captured Miss M's more nurturing side, which is not always evident.

A good iPhone snap taken on Birling Gap beach when we took some volunteers there last weekend.
Another sunset but this one was captured in Bexhill, when about 70 of us descended onto the beach for a fish and chip supper. Of course the girls had a dip in the sea too.

And that's it for another week. This is such a great linky for making you stop and look at what you have done and reflect on just how lucky you are.
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