Thursday 24 October 2013

Shoeboxes are making me super cheerful (week 43, year 3)

I love this picture, this isn't the one I'll include in the shoe boxes but it sums up my kids so well!

This week my involvement in Operation Christmas Child has given me a lot to smile about and I have certainly seen God working.
  • Last Thursday evening we had a virtual packing twitter party (#OCCParty) and it went well. It was not about numbers but about engaging interested people and sharing tips and successes and we did that.
  • A couple of weeks ago I discovered that one of the volunteers here had received an OCC shoebox when she was young. It was such a blessing to hear her talk about her box, what it contained and how much it meant to her. You could just see her face light up as she recalled the moment in time.
  • On Sunday at Church I did the sermon/ talk for World Mission Sunday and it was about evangelism and my blogger trips to Ethiopia and Belarus last year. I felt it went well and I received lots of good feedback and it was also a real blessing to be given £50 from people to buy more bits to make up some more shoe boxes.
  • After speaking to the staff and volunteers here a couple of weeks back to see if they wanted to be involved with OCC this year, I was really pleased to be approached by a few of the international volunteers to tell me that they would like to help me put together some boxes as they normally do it in their home countries.
  • My children made their boxes this weekend. I'll show you the contents of one of them, Miss E made this box for a 10-14 year girl. They all did boxes for the older age group this year as sometimes OCC do not receive as many of those and it was also great this year to have bought some Go boxes from OCC, they have made my life so much easier, a few quick folds and the box is done!

As always I tried to pack this box full of great items (and love) but for the best price possible. Here is what I spent -

Mickey flannel - 50p (half price, Primark last Jan sales)
Soap - 17p ( part of a 6 pack from the £1 shop)
2 coloured bead necklaces 34p (part of a 6 pack from Claires in the sale, £1)
Tennis ball 33p (part if a 3 pack from £1 shop)
Toothbrush & paste £1.17 (£1 toothpaste & brush from a £1 6 pack)
Paper pad 25p (part of a 4 pack from £1 shop)
Teddy free (came with an Easter gift but not used)
Hat 99p (99p store)
Pack of mint humbugs - 75p (Tesco)
Stickers 35p (25p for 1 pack &10p for other, both bought last Jan in sales)
Comb 20p (part of a 5 pack from Asda for £1)
Lipgloss, fan, post-it stickies, cat mask - all free, things given to us and not used
Hairband 20p (part of a 5 pack from £1 shop)
Pencil case & pencils etc £1 (I'm guessing a £1, bascically the pencil case was 19p in Tesco sale & I buy £1 multipacks of pens & pencils to share out so the cost is minimal, rubbers & sharpeners we get given in sets get kept for boxes as we have enough)
Coloured pencils 39p (Morrisons)
Christmas card and photo - no real cost as the cards are left from last year and I print the photo
Box total - £6.64 plus the £3 transportation cost, making £9.64 in total,

If you want to know more about joining in with Operation Christmas Child then take a peek at my original how to pack a box post, see all my posts from my journey to Belarus last year and look on the OCC website.

What has made you cheerful or grateful this week?

It could be something massive or it might just be the everyday simple things that happen. If you are new to Reasons to be Cheerful then take a look at the background to this linky and my rational for starting it 3 years ago. 

Write a post and link it up, no rules, just as long as you have written about something which is adding a smile to your face or rocking your world then I’m happy. Then link up the post, add in the blog hop code to your post if you fancy and then people can go from post to post nice and easily. Don't forget that linkys only work if you go and visit some other bloggers who have linked up, even 1 or 2 makes a difference.

Wishing you a fabulous week ahead, Mich x

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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