Thursday 4 April 2013

Best. Holiday. Ever!

We are back home from Spring Harvest now and yes I’m really pleased to be home but I sure will miss all that time with my family to just be together.
There have been some moments I want to hold onto forever –
Being brave and going on the dodgems with JJ. I know it is pretty tame but this is just not the sort of thing I do generally.

Being even braver and going on the master baster slide in the pool with Miss M.  We both screamed our head off but I would go back and do it again!
Watching Miss E’s confidence grow as she danced in the big top with her new worship banner.

Miss M going on the stage each morning to dance in front of about 2000 people to Good News Style, a special Spring Harvest parody for Gangnam Style.
All the kids playing out and making friends with whoever was staying on the same chalet row as us. It felt like when I was growing up with 6-10 children of all ages playing together.

Just having time with dh to chat and not be stuck behind screens.
It’s not been a perfect week – dh was ill for a few days, it has been bitterly cold, the girls have been a tad fussy with their food but even these things could not put a damper on a great week away together.
Spring Harvest is unique in that you are immersed in Christianity and surrounded by people who more or less share the same beliefs as you. It is so easy to feel on fire for Jesus while you are there and to make all sorts of life changing decisions that are hard to stick to when you come home and are faced with the ups and downs of everyday life.
This year has been a little different for me though as I know that in three months our family will have moved and we will be living on a 220 acre estate of beautiful British countryside. Our home will be just feet away from a dedicated prayer centre and we will be living in a community of Christians. Being fully immersed in Christ can continue to be a reality for me and that makes me super excited.
There is so much I am looking forward to and Spring Harvest has given me the space to reflect and know that I must not rush into anything when we get to our new home. In fact I have set myself a little target to stay free from new commitments until 2014. I’ll have time to just be and to hear God as He wishes to speak to me. There are loads of great charities operating in the area where we will live and I can already see a ton of opportunities and ways I could help and get involved but for once in my life I will take it slow and give myself a red light until things are more settled.
In the short term (once we have moved) the only things I need to focus on are making a home for my family, getting to know the community we will live within, being with God and nurturing my relationship with my husband and children. I was very pleased to get the nod from dh this week when I said to him I intended to stop being so busy once we move and to take six months to get settled.
I think my life is about to change more than it ever has before and Lord I’m ready, use me as you see fit.
For the next three months I expect to be super busy - we have to find a new school for the kids, finish our jobs and other voluntary commitments, sell our house and get moving sorted for the 5 of us and just do all the practicalities that comes with that.
If you have any relocation tips, then I am all ears, please do share….

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
#R2BC - I'm linking this post up with my Reasons to be Cheerful linky, it is being hosted by Seasider in the City again this week.  A massive big thanks to Clare for her careful babysitting over the last couple of months.  #R2BC will be back here with me next week.

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