Wednesday 22 February 2012

New Bloggers Fortnight - Post Round-Up

Sadly we have come to the end of New Bloggers Fortnight, I hope you have enjoyed our guest writers input.  I know I certainly have, one of the things I love about blogging is the diversity of opinion and thus writing that you read. When I was planning this second NBF I worried (just for a moment mind) that the content would duplicate last years and may not add any value but of course I should not have feared as the writers all came up trumps. A big massive thank you to all my guest writers.

If you missed any of the posts then do take a peek, there are some real gems of knowledge and experience shared in them.

Welcome to NBF and sharing my story blogging

DorkyMum dispels some blogging myths

Blogging Etiquette from Actually Mummy

Anonymous Blogging by The Boy and Me

Establishing Yourself in a Crowded Blogosphere: Mammasaurus

Reviewing with Integrity by Inside the Wendy House

Mummy, Mummy, Mum on using social media

Things I wish I had known at the beginning from Multiple Mummy

Seasider in the City reveals why you don't have to be everyone's best friend to be a blogging success

Geekmummy answers your geeky questions

To reveal or not to reveal?  Things to think through by Lou of Bloggomy

The content that is part of New Bloggers Fortnight is by no means an exhaustive list of subjects that are of interest to new bloggers. I think we could have been here for the whole year posting daily to cover everyone's requests, but I do hope it gave you a good flavour for blogging and has also exposed you to some superb bloggers who are all approachable and willing to chat.

I'll leave you with one final thought, blogging can be completely addictive and even if you are trying to earn an income from it, the most important thing you can do is maintain perspective - get out and live your life. For that is probably what attracts readers to your blog, you have something that they find attractive and interesting.

Blog: Life balance is where it is at!

Come on then, reveal - which was your favourite post?  What nugget have you taken away with you that will help on your blogging journey.
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