Wednesday 30 January 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful - TEDx, Cake and Winter Walks

I'm feeling super grateful today, there are lots of things to celebrate in the last week. 

Like going for an impromptu coffee and cake with my hubby -

Collecting all our pottery from the Masterpiece paint your own pottery studio. I was particularly impressed with my snowman.

Having an afternoon/ evening with JJ on Saturday. We went to the local TEDx event and saw 12 different speakers on 12 different topics, talking for around 12 minutes each. Some were fabulous, others not so much, but overall it was a great event and we enjoyed dinner at Prezzo afterwards. Even better it cost £1.91 as I had a gift voucher from trading in my cashback.

I've started to read a book called Dream Culture, recommended to me by my friend Krisha, and we're going to share notes and encourage each other throughout it.

I haven't been to the gym this week but I've been enjoying some walks and actually (as long as the snow has stayed away) I'm going this morning.

Joining up with Becky at Lakes Single Mum for Reasons to be Cheerful. Come and join us too if you fancy!
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