Sunday 12 February 2017

Praying for Future Grace


Last night as part of my Freedom in Christ course I was introduced to the concept of praying for future grace. It is not a term I’ve ever heard spoken before but it really struck me and has sat with me all morning and I keep musing it.

I was asked if I ever pray the night before for the tools I’ll need the next day to help me through the day and whilst I do pray for situations that might be coming up the next day or things that are troubling me. I have never named all the things I’ll need to help me through the next day – things like patience, joy, self-control, wisdom etc

I like the idea of this if I’m honest and it seems really authentic, as if I’d be more purposefully connecting with God and invoking his help in my day-to-day life and particularly in my struggle areas, like that of over-eating. I absolutely know that God is willing to be involved in all parts of my life and that whatever I do He loves me the same but the bible tells me to ask, seek, knock (Matthew 7:7) and the answers will be provided and the door opened and I feel as if praying into these situations asking for what I need the next day will be actively seeking and unlocking the door.

That feels really powerful.

I had a bit of a google to see if others are using the term future grace and I came across a book of the same name written by John Piper and I’m going to treat myself to it as I feel as if the Lord has led me to this book. It appears that Pipers position is that too many Christians are attempting to be good disciples of Christ from a sense of gratitude, whereas it would be better to follow Jesus as we walk in faith and belief of the grace he extends day by day. I like the idea of this as it feels like a relationship built on heart knowledge rather than just head. Having wrote a blog post on here a while back I realised that I needed to move much of my knowledge from my head to my heart, so this sounds perfect. I really liked this quote taken from John Pipers Desiring God website

By grace I do not merely mean the pardon of God in passing over your sins, but also the power and beauty of God to keep you from sinning

How amazing if I can move from a place of feeling like I have no option but to sin (normally overeating in my case) to being confident of God’s grace and His conditional love for me being the antidote.  I’ll keep you posting.

For now, here is tonight prayer for future grace for tomorrow –

Dear Lord,

Thanks for all You do for me, I love being Your child and being able to study Your word and get to know You better.

  • Please Father can I ask for time so that I may sit and wait on You to hear what Your will is and what You want me to do each day.
  • I ask for self-control that I may be able to hold back from eating foods that I don’t need or ones I know are not wholesome and useful for my body
  • I ask for wisdom of how to spend my time and where to place my thoughts. Please help me to use the time I have effectively to glorify You.
  • I ask for humility so that when things go well I remember it is about You and not about me. I can only do these things through Your gifts and strength.
  • I pray for tolerance that when I come into contact with people who I find difficult that I might meet them in the supernatural and be able to extend Your love to them.
  • Even though I don’t think I deserve it, I know that grace covers that and it comes without conditions so please Lord I ask that You help me to be fit and well.  That my aches in my legs will cease, that my periods return to a normal and manageable level and that my lungs work to their full capacity.
  • I pray Lord You give me a desire to move more and to exercise to help me be fitter and lose some weight.
  • Also Lord, please I pray can You help me to be kind to myself. No longer do I want to label myself or call me names, I just want to see myself for what I am – an imperfect Christian trying her best but ultimately leaning on You to make changes.
  • Finally Lord I pray that I feel Your peace all day tomorrow. There is a need for effort on my part but no need for striving as the things I’ll be doing are done for You and in Your power.

You Lord are the one almighty Father and I praise your name and thank you again. My life is so much richer since I came to know you. Blessed be Your name.

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