Happy with their Grandparents in the summer |
I think it is so important to make sure you have some quality time with your other half every so often. Dh and I have not been away together as a couple for at least 2 years and we needed this break. We are lucky to get some nights out and have even stayed local to my parents for an evening out but actually getting away and having 72 hours is a real treat.
So we set off Friday lunchtime and we got up to loads over the next three days - we went to the cinema in the afternoon, had a pub lunch, swam in a beautiful spa pool, snuggled on the bed, walked Richmond Park for hours, got charged at by a stag (I kid you not!), had a cream tea to calm ourselves, went out for three gorgeous dinners, ate three decadent English breakfasts, stayed at three different places, went to Church twice and we chatted and chatted and chatted until we had no more to chat about.
I loved it and I love you Adam. xx
What has made you cheerful or grateful this week?
It could be something massive or it might just be the everyday simple things that happen. If you are new to Reasons to be Cheerful then take a look at the background to this linky and my rational for starting it 3 years ago.
Write a post and link it up, no rules, just as long as you have written about something which is adding a smile to your face or rocking your world then I’m happy. Then link up the post, add in the blog hop code to your post if you fancy and then people can go from post to post nice and easily.
Wishing you a fabulous week ahead, Mich x

It could be something massive or it might just be the everyday simple things that happen. If you are new to Reasons to be Cheerful then take a look at the background to this linky and my rational for starting it 3 years ago.
Write a post and link it up, no rules, just as long as you have written about something which is adding a smile to your face or rocking your world then I’m happy. Then link up the post, add in the blog hop code to your post if you fancy and then people can go from post to post nice and easily.
Wishing you a fabulous week ahead, Mich x
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