Thursday 20 September 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful - Week 38, R is for....

Good morning cheery ones.  How are you today?  The sun is shining here and that makes me smile.  As you read this I'll be busy beavering away at work but that is OK as I really love my current job, and what a blessing that is.  Not everyone can say that.

You might have seen that I've been using an alphabet letter prompt each week for quite some time now.  This week should be the turn of Q but come on, who can write a half interesting post around Q? (Hmm, I expect at least one of you will prove me wrong now). I then thought that I could combine Q and R together but to be honest I'm not even sure what I would use R for.  So I'll cheat just a little and this week R is for random....

1.  Weight Watchers - I have signed up to be part of the #WWBack2Best challenge with BritMums and Weight Watchers. Just yesterday I received a super hamper from Weight Watchers to get me started and I'm really looking forward to learning all about the ProPoints plan.  I just know that supporting others and being supported will make a big difference too.

2.  The amazing opportunities that have come to me because I write this blog - You are probably aware I am off to Ethiopia in a couple of weeks with the ONE Campaign but I also have a second amazing trip lined up that I have not announced just yet (R2BC sneaky preview here!) I'll be travelling in early December with Operation Christmas Child to Belarus where I will blog and write for them as I follow the journey of some shoe boxes.  I will be stoked to see all those children's faces light up as they receive their gifts. I have started my preparation already as I coordinate the collection at my kids school and I have even committed to a couple of assemblies this year - ekk!

3.  Taking time just to be with my family - JJ played his first football match last weekend and that was for sure a proud mummy moment, I loved being on the sideline cheering him on.  We have had some good weekends just recently spending time with friends but this weekend it is just about us.  Watching JJ play football again, a walk in the woods, Church and a meal out at Prezzo are about all our weekend will consist of. Those and some down time at home to just be and enjoy each others company in a relaxed way.

So now over to you....

What is making you happy, cheerful, grateful this week? Take some time to count your blessings, say thank you and put it down in a post - share in any way you fancy, R2BC is not about rules and stats, it is about counting your blessings and meeting a wonderful community of like-minded bloggers.

It really does make a difference when we choose to be happy and thankful for our lot in life.  Check out the Reasons to be Cheerful page to find out more.

Do leave me a comment, it is always nice to get a bit of encouragement and then I'll come over and do the same for you.

Be blessed this week, Mich xx

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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