Thursday 5 July 2012

#R2BC - F is for..... The crowd sourced version!

Howdy all, I hope it is a cheery Thursday where you are!  I am feeling good here, pleased to report that last week’s blah feeling was gone in a flash.

This week I am starting all the things that make me cheerful or grateful with the letter F and I started to think about what that might include whilst the girls were at gymnastics yesterday afternoon.  I was not getting that far if I am honest.  My thoughts consisted of -
·        Future – and mine feels very rosy right now. I have some wonderful opportunities coming up and I feel positive on all fronts.  I am at last manning up and dealing with my weight with the help of God.

·        Family – mine rock!  Need I say more?

·        Faith – this keeps me going when times are tough and I am so proud to say I am a Christian.  Since finding faith my life has been transformed, all for the better.

I didn’t feel that my thinking was taking me too far, so I sent out a random tweet ‘Tell me Twitter, I say F if for…. You say?  Positive answers pls’ and I got loads of responses, which was a nice surprise. So I thought to myself why not make this week’s #R2BC a crowd sourced edition.

Here are some of my favourites that Twitter came up with (sadly I can’t add them all, as there were so many) –
@C-oreilly was straight in there with Friends. Doh of course, how did I forget that one?
@tattooed_mummy proved to be very useful and in quick fire succession she offered – family, friends, funky, festival, fun, fishfingers, fans, frogs, fruit, food, feet (especially babies) flowers and flapjacks!
@Natgourley made me smile with her input ‘Fish and Chips! Like the ones I just had at the beach. Feeling extremely positive after those! #yum’
@lesleyannp offered me ‘flatulence’ which was an interesting one and I liked her second effort much more ‘forgiveness’. Oh yes – so important!
My favourite offering had to be from @ktmoo and she said ‘f is for 'flutterings' (I'm pregnant and started feeling the little one recently)’
Lastly I give you @anonomum’s suggestions, which will have you humming or singing some cheesy melodies – Freedom and Final Countdown!
Now over to you, of course you do not have to use the letter F.  You probably know me by now, you can do what you fancy and as long as the post is a cheery, grateful or happy one. Link it up. It’s my Mum’s birthday this weekend and the Olympic torch is passing through our town Sunday so I expect to be busy and may well not get to every post this week to comment but I’ll make sure I stop by every blog of those who take the time to comment.
Wishing you all a blessed week, Mich x
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