I took loads of photos so I could show you the intense looks on their faces, the beautiful creative process that they went through and I am gutted to say that my dh seems to have wiped them off. He was doing me a favour on Monday, transferring all my photos from my laptop to the external hard drive and sadly when I went to use them today in this post they are not there, nor on the camera. Oh well, life goes on. Luckily I do have the beautifully finished Rice Krispie boxes and I can show you their creations that they are so proud of. When I needed to open a new box of Rice Krispies this morning for breakfast there was a big debate about whose box we should eat first!
I had to laugh at the way they took this task so seriously, they have no idea what they can win, I just told them that if one of them won they could go to the local toy shop and choose a small something each and that we would be having a nice holiday this year. As they all sat at the table with their pens, glue, glitter etc every so often I would hear a small argument break out ‘I’m going to win’, ‘no, I’m going to win’. Not once did it occur to them that someone outside of our family may win. Of course we had the usual conversation about us all being winners for making a good effort and having fun in the process. But I know this is not enough for JJ, he has already asked me since when the close date is and when will he find out if he has won.
If you fancy the chance of winning £500 or a years supply of Rice Krispies then your child can join in with this competition too. All they have to do is colour in one of the Rice Krispie Colour Me In boxes (or you can draw the Rice Krispie figures if you do not have one), blog and tweet about it using #ColourMeInRK hashtag and add to the BritMums linky. The close date is 31 July 2012 and you can read the full terms and conditions on the BritMums post.
So without further ado I give you the entries from my children -
First up is JJ's creation and he is aged 8
....and he told me to ensure that I showed you that there are glittery bits and that he has done some patterns in the colouring too. I offered him some craft bits so he could decorate the box more but he said it was a colouring competition. Here is the close up -
And here is Miss M's, she is my more flighty and stubborn child and refused to colour in the third man - Crackle. Aged 4 when she did this.
Lastly Miss E's creation. She is of the ilk that 'more is more' and wanted to add all sorts to the box, I think Hello Kitty makes a great addition, don't you? Aged 4 when she did the colouring.
There we go, we hope you like the children's creations.
Disclosure: We received Rice Crispies and 2 art kits in exchange for taking part in this competition.