Sunday 10 July 2011

Discovered on my Camera!

OK, it is Sunday and here is another 'Its not a #silentsunday post!'.  I can't seem to help myself, I like lots of photos and words too.

I decided to download some pictures from the camera to my laptop last night and boy was I glad that I did.  I discovered some real treasures that I had no idea were there.  Good old dh has been snapping away when I have not been about and I did not even know.  So let's enjoy...

JJ and Daddy helped to man the Fairtrade London stall at an event a month or so ago.  Apparently JJ is a superstar campaigner and gave out the most leaflets and chatted to loads of of people!

Whilst I was at CyberMummy, Daddy decided that him and the kids should have a slumber party in the lounge.  They were so excited when they all told me about it the next morning. I think this might become a regular family treat in the future.  What a lovely memory to grow up with, don't you think?

I dropped the girls birthday presents back Friday morning and then went off to work.  Here they are just about to go on their first ride with Daddy.

and apparently for some reason they thought it was hilarious to wear their PJ shorts on their heads???

Then out for another ride later in the day.  I think these bikes might be the best present ever - thank you Nanny and Grandad.

Have you had any nice surprises recently?
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