Tuesday 14 June 2011

The farm can be fun in the rain!

Our family loves a good day out (you may have noticed if you have read my blog before)  and why on earth would we let the rain stop us?  Let me show you what small children love to do in the rain...

We knew that after Church on Sunday we would head to Hayes Hill Farm in the Lee Valley for Open Farm Sunday, then when we saw all the rain the easy answer would have been so say, let's not bother but with a bit of forethought and preparing for the weather we all decided that it might just be fun to head out in the rain...... it was!

Have you heard of Open Farm Sunday before?  This is the seventh year and it is the first I have heard of it. It is run by Linking Farming and the Environment and Asda are one of the principal sponsors. Once a year numerous farms all across the country open up and allow people to visit for free so that they can see firsthand how farmers our growing our food, rearing animals and looking after the countryside.  The thing I really loved is that each farm goes all out to educate those who come to visit, but in a fun way. The children got to plant seeds, make bird feeders, churn their own butter from cream, watch cows being milked in a real working modern dairy and loads more.

Planting seeds, colouring, quizzes, free seeds and stickers - great fun!

Of course there was all the normal fun of the farm too, feeding the animals, riding on a tractor, playing on the open park equipment (yes in the rain, yes they had wet bums!), trying out the soft play, petting the small animals, having their faces painted etc.  The children had a really great time and truth be told, so did dh and I.

What was especially lovely about Hayes Hill Farm, which is twinned with Hollyfield Hall Farm is that whilst it is open to the public in general, it is not a 'play farm'. It is a proper working farm with thousands of acres of land. I really did feel as if I was out in the countryside walking between the maize and wheat fields - just beautiful!

We all had a picnic in the car on the way over to the farm from Church and the kids thought this was great too, as it was something a little different.  Then as a treat we tried out homemade cakes for the grown ups and ice cream for the kids before we left the farm at 5pm as it closed.

See Miss E cuddling the goat in the background
Let me show you this picture -

I'll let you make up your own mind, does this look like three kids who have had a tiring and satisfying day at the farm?

Keep your eye peeled around this time next year and take a look at the Open Farm Sunday site to find out where your nearest participating farm is.  I guarantee you a good day with the kids.

Asda approached me to attend Open Farm Sunday and have offered me some vouchers to write about my experience.  I have not been told what to write and I remain honest.
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