...to make a wish come true! So say the words of the Tina Turner song and how right they are.
Never did I know I had this desire to be part of the special club of twin mummies; my perfect little plan in my head was to have two children, a boy first to grow up strong and handsome, to be the big brother and then to have a little single princess to dote on her big brother and to be the baby of the family who was just a little tiny bit spoilt.
That was always the known desire of my heart but secretly somewhere there was lurking this longing for two babies at once. I realise this now as about a year after trying for my second baby and having no success I was staying at my Mum and Dad's for the weekend and I had a dream that my husband and I would have three children but only two pregnancies. I also remember the name Samuel Noah being really special to me. When my hubby joined me there I told him all about this and we thought nothing of the three babies thing, until a year later when it was revealed at the early six week scan that yes, I was carrying twins.
Somewhere along the line I have been turned into an avid lover of twins. Two little babies together just melts my heart and makes me think of my babes when they were small all curled up together. Now I am not saying that one babe is also not special, as of course I have my JJ and he is perfection in a single package (to me). There are just some things that us twins mums get to experience that are really different to having a singleton and having been there and done both I feel privileged to have experienced both sides of the coin.
Of course some parts of parenting twins is extremely hard. How do you physically carry two babes when you're bump is so large? and the logistics of trying to get two screaming, colicky babies fed at the same time in the middle of the night, on your own - just do not ask!
But some things just make it all worthwhile. Some times are only achievable with two - It takes two baby! The song got it right! So here is a quick trip down memory lane, of why two floats my boat!
Tiny babies cuddling up to each other, just like in the womb -
Play fighting and hugging together at just a few months old -
There is always someone to match your outfit with -
You'll never put your foot in your mouth as there is always someone watching out for you -
Not having to be scared on the funfair rides, as you always have a best friend with you -
Never having to eat alone -
Having someone to have snowball fights with, whether they want to or not -

Someone always being around when you just need a hug -

You've always got someone to experience the wonder with -
Someone else always gets your brand of crazy and is willing to join in -

And just think what the future will hold - someone to hold your hand on your first day at school, someone to cry to when your first boyfriend dumps you, someone to share clothes with, an instant bridesmaid and much, much more. I will try to ensure that my girls grow up knowing just how very lucky they are.
People used to stop me in the street and say 'Here comes double trouble' and I always replied 'No, double the joy' and I stand by that now. As a mummy of twins I get to experience everything that a singleton mum does but I get mine in stereo, when one takes her first step the other does too just a few weeks later. No time to be dissapointed that one stage is over as I get to experience it all again and then we are straight onto the next one.
Any other twin mummies out there reading? Share with me your best twinnie moments, I love to hear your stories. Leave me a comment.