Thursday 10 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1,2,3 - Week 10. How grateful are you?

I am sat here watching the Comic Relief programme, Famous, Rich and in the Slums and being reminded of just how much I have to be grateful for.  We all do, even if you feel down in the dumps or that your life is tough right now you still have much to be grateful for.  I am not diminishing your problems, they are your reality but try and step outside them for a few moments is all I am saying.  It is a very powerful thing to be grateful for what you have!

For me, this week I am pleased to report that I have no problems, nothing is troubling me.  I am in a good place right now!

My reasons for being cheerful this week are -
  1. Miss E being the best patient ever when she has had Chickenpox.  Some of her spots are enormous and look really sore but she is an angel, hardly complaining.  Back to school tomorrow now she is all crusty.
  2. JJ has had an amazing couple of weeks at school.  His calling out in class has really improved and his teacher is so pleased with him.  JJ knows he has done well and I can see how proud of himself he is.  He is a delight to be around at the moment and we are going to enjoy a special Mummy and son trip to the cinema this Saturday early evening as a well done.
  3. My abstinence. This is such a biggie for me.  You might have read my post about giving up compulsive overeating for Lent and I am pleased to report that at the moment God is holding me and helping me to refrain.
  4. I am going to spend the weekend with my lovely Mum while Dad is at work.  I am so blessed to have wonderful parents who are enjoyable to spend time with.
  5. I have a super evening out with my twin mummy friends last Friday and I am out with the school mums tomorrow night. Time with good friends makes such a difference
Well that was 5, rather than 3 and I could have gone on for ages.  As I said last week do not be constrained by 3 reasons, write as many or as few as you like.  Change the format for your posts if you fancy.  As long as you are happy/ cheerful/ grateful/ thankful then write your post and link up to spread a massive dose of positivity.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

There is the badge, if you want to add it to your post and don't forget to take the blog hop code from below the linky and paste this into your blog so that new readers can jump from blog... to blog and also promote your post and the link up by tweeting with the hashtag #Reasons2BCheerful

..and before you go, I must remember to point you over to Maxabella's I'm Grateful for... link up.  Join up your reasons post there and make some new Aussie friends.

Of course Jen's Blog gems is still open too. Link up every other Sunday and air your archives.

Wishing you a fabulous week, Mich x
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