First up, a creature you may not of met before -
Latin Name - Pesticus Son
Distinguishing Features - approximately a good foot taller than all the other animals in his class, trousers can be seen hanging off the bum, top is constantly dirty and can he be heard yelling 'MUMMM'
Life Span - hopefully a real long time
Endearing Qualities - tells me I am pretty and I look nice, gives great cuddles and has an amazing sense of fun
Habitat- Lemur enclosure at Paradise Park, Herts

and lastly this is JJ's idea of a fun photo, poke your tongue out and pretend you have a trunk!!!

Thanks Tara for another great prompt. I have been looking at some of the gallery posts this week and the are great. Use the cup link on Wednesday and pop over to see Tara and Sticky Fingers and view all the fab gallery posts.