Thursday 13 September 2018

Back to School - Reasons to be Cheerful

Thursday has rolled around again, I’m not sure why this year seems to be going past in a whirl but it’s ok, that’s life I suppose. You just have to embrace every day and take what you can from it.

Last week saw my girls starting secondary school and I’m pleased to report that a week later they are still dead happy and loving being at big school. I think they’ve still being lulled into a false sense of security at the moment as they haven’t had much homework yet, but they are more than ready for the change.

Both of them have been talking about a new friend each, so I pray that those friendships grow and I’ve said to the girls they can have their friends over for dinner when they fancy. They also start at our church youth club this Friday and I hope that will be a place where they have fun and grow in their faith.

JJ has settled happily back to school. He was straight into loads of homework, I suppose they are establishing the expectations with him being a year 10 and starting his GCSEs. He’s gone back to police cadets, which he loves and he also joins the adventure in creation stream of our volunteer programme that is run where we live. I’m hoping he has lots of fun doing this and establishes some new friendships.

I’ve enjoyed the kids being back to school. Routine really works for me and it’s been great to get back into work. I’ve also volunteered to help on reception whilst they are short, so I’ve got to refresh my knowledge as I haven’t done that for a good year.

Last week I started Slimming World as it’s time to get a grip and help myself. I’ve been feeling more and more pain in my feet and legs, to the point that standing and walking are difficult at times and that’s not right. I’m 45, not 85! I was very pleased to lose 5.5lb in the first week by making lots of good swaps, and I didn’t feel hungry or deprived at all.

I've also given blood this week, which always cheers me on, and been finding time to head over to the prayer centre for some time with God. I find my head is so much clearer when I do this regularly. 

I hope your week has been a good one and even if it couldn’t be described as good I hope you can find those glimmers of hope. All is not lost. Be blessed friend. Mich x

Now it’s your turn. Over to you, what’s making you cheerful this week?

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1. Link up a post about something that is making you super happy/ grateful. It can be in this style or it can be anything you like - a recipe, a tutorial, a from the heart, a list - it's your blog, you choose,

2. Add the #R2BC badge onto your post or blog so that people can easily find the linky and join in too if they fancy,

3.  Share the love. This is the really important bit. Please don't just link and run, comment on at least a couple of posts and why not share with #R2BC too?

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R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

Have a super weekend, Mich xx 
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