Thursday 29 March 2018

Reasons to be Cheerful: Social Media, Baptism and Italian Food

Happy Thursday friends. How are you doing? Can you believe it is Easter tomorrow? This month seems to have gone by in a flash and next Thursday Reasons to be Cheerful will be back over with Becky at Lakes Single Mum for the month of April.

I've had a good week and here are just a few of the things that have been making me really cheerful in the last week -

*  I've been getting great feedback on the social media work that I'm doing for Ashburnham Place. It's so nice to be doing something that is appreciated and hopefully making a difference to the number of people who know about what we do and perhaps want to volunteer here.

*  One of our community members got baptised on Sunday evening.We had a great time of worship and prayer by the bonfire and then she braved our lake for a full-immersion baptism, it was really beautiful.

*  Loads of my favourite box sets have got new episodes on NOW TV, so I am catching up with Nashville, Scandal and the Blacklist.  Just Suits to come back now!

*  JJ took a Young Driver lesson on Saturday and he had a ball. I seriously can not believe how well he did. I remember my first lesson and bunny hopping and then stalling. None of that for my boy! lol

*  We had amazing Italian food Monday night, when all the Italians within our community cooked for everyone and that's no easy task as there are about 90 of us! Thank you all so much, it was delicious.

Here's my girls with one of our volunteers enjoying pesto pasta and parmigiana with Tiramisu to follow!

*  The kids break up from school today and I am super pleased about that. We have fun things going on over the weekend and then we are off to Spring Harvest at Minehead Butlins next week and this is always my favourite holiday of the year, so hurrah. Bring it on! My aim is to turn off and escape my blog and online pressures....... let's hope I manage it!

Come and Join In!

I'd love to read your Reasons to be Cheerful and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3 to join in -

1. Link up a post about something that is making you super happy/ grateful. It can be in this style or it can be anything you like - a recipe, a tutorial, a from the heart, a list - it's your blog, you choose

2. Add the #R2BC badge onto your post or blog so that people can easily find the linky and join in too if they fancy

3.  Share the love. This is the really important bit. Please don't just link and run, comment on at least a couple of posts and why not share with #R2BC too?

I'll stop by all linked up posts to comment and I'll share on twitter too

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