Thursday 12 May 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful - A Wonderful Week

Hey friends, how are you?

Has it been sunny where you are? I've been loving it and even got myself a little burnt as the girls and I ended up doing a couple of hour walk as the bus didn't turn up last Thursday when their school was closed for polling.

 We stopped in the park on our long walk through Hastings and the girls had lots of fun.

Sunday was about chilling by the beach and playing at the park - a divine day! 

Then in the evening my husband and I got an evening to ourselves at church 
and then a walk into Hastings and on the new pier.

We had a fun day at Drusillas with Nanny and I enjoyed watching the Lar Gibbons

Miss E happy with her Nanny after school

A fabulous cliff side shot of Hastings. It is such a lovely place nowadays!

It is now your turn. Why don't you write a post and link it up with us? The Reasons to be Cheerful gang have always been a friendly and inclusive group, so if you join in and visit others I know you'll find the same happens for you and if you fancy adding a link or my badge please feel free to do so but no pressure.

If you want to share and tweet use #R2BC and I'll then see it and can share it too.

Wishing you a fabulous week and I look forward to reading your posts. Mich x

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

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