I published a post about Miss M a couple of weeks back and I got a really nice reponse and lots of people thought it was the start of a series of posts, one for each of my children. To be honest my intention has been that it would be a one off but it got me thinking and now I will do an individual update on each.
This week it is the turn of Miss E, Miss M's 7 year old twin sister. Originally I had thought I'd write about JJ but after the conversation Miss E and I just had it had to be her. Let me fill you in -
'Mummy, what was your favourite animal when you were little? she asked me, 'Well Miss E, if I remember rightly it was a polar bear' I replied. As quick as anything she pipped up 'You're kidding me Mum, that's my favourite, not really, right?' I confirmed to her they really were and that I used to love seeing the polar bear at Chessington Zoo when I was little. She went on to ask me if I had any polar bear things, like notebooks and cuddly toys because if I had I should have kept them for her. I confirmed I didn't and told her I had no idea when I was little that I would get so lucky and have a little girl like her.
Very matter of factly she then said 'you weren't lucky to get me, I'm stupid. You have to read with me every day to help me, that's not lucky'. Gosh they really know how to tug your heart strings, these kids. I of course advised her I considered myself totally lucky to have her and that in helping her each day to read she was helping me too. 'How can that be Mummy?' she questionned me. 'Well baby, reading with you helps me to have more patience and I really need that as sometimes I get grumpy far too easy'.
She jumped on top of me and gave me a massive hug and then said 'Do you know what you've taught me mummy? You've taught me to love'. Oh wow, how special is that. Today feels like an 'I'm an OK parent kind of day!' I actually think she might have taught me more about that than I have her but so glad she has that perspective.
Thank you my darling, you are a beautiful little soul. You of course have your own little annoyances, just like we all do but I can get past the whining when you are so darn lovely.
Here are some pictures of you and me together (in love as you would say) over the last seven years -

You are such a precious little girl and despite your sister coming across as the bold and confident one, it is you that is actually the rock of your partnership. Just like in these early pictures where she snuggled up to you, you are still there as her security blanket.
Everyone knows you are a creative soul and you are happiest when sat there drawing or creating something. Your other loves are your Alfie teddy, being on the beach and playing with and caring for the smaller kids here at Ash.

That's not to say that you don't love a bit of fun though -

Let's never stop loving each other Miss E.
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