What I liked so much about the Netflix gift is that so much thought had gone into it and all the little gifts were really appreciated and very useful. I won't go through everything but I'll give you an idea of the kind of things they sent -
- Pack of AA batteries - This seems like an obvious choice, but without a doubt these will have been forgotten for the kids brand new toys.
- Sellotape - It's never to be found when you need it, so keep this one safe for your last minute wrapping.
- Jo Malone Candle - If you forget a gift, instead of returning to the mad rush of Christmas shoppers gift someone this luxury candle.
- Nurofen Tablets - The stress of Christmas can result in a real headache, with all the running around, crowds, kids and late nights of wrapping.

Well what a fun series it is. If you like Madagascar and King Julien and the Lemurs in particular you will love this series. I know that at 41 years old I'm not supposed to be enthralled with silly little animals shaking their booty but they do make me laugh! Each program is 23 minutes and there 5 programs in the series, so I'd say you should definitely give it a try as my kids have already watched all this first series and they all love it.
Netflix really do seem to be coming up with some great original series. We have so far enjoyed Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and Veggietales in the House and I'm just about to put on the first program of the new epic adventure Marco Polo, which looks to be an amazing watch.
I did take some super photos of the girls doing some King Julien style dancing but they both put their foot down and said those pictures are not to go on the blog, so here they are having a play with the hats, blowers and balloons whilst watching 'All Hail king Julien'.

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