Thursday 16 May 2013

Starting every day well - #R2BC, week 20 year 3

Welcome to this weeks edition of Reasons to be Cheerful

This weeks I am sharing a life lesson that I have learnt and then forgot and have to re-learn again.  Over and over I go through this, all part of my journey of faith. It annoys me that I forget things and can't seem to retain everything I need but thankfully I have a loving God who likes the fact I try and blesses me anyway.

I find that when I make time to pray first thing in the morning, everything else is kept in perspective and tends to fall in place during the day. This lesson makes all the difference to my attitude and helps me feel more grateful and cheerful.

Have you ever read this?

I got up early one morning, 
And rushed right into the day; 
I had so much to accomplish, 
I didn’t have time to pray. 

Troubles just tumbled about me, 
And heavier came each task. 
"Why doesn’t God help me?" I wondered. 
He answered, "You didn’t ask." 

I tried to come into God’s presence; 
I used all my keys at the lock. 
God gently and lovingly chided,
"Why, child, you didn’t knock." 

I wanted to see joy and beauty, 
But the day toiled on gray and bleak. 
I wondered why God didn’t show me. 
He said, "You didn’t seek." 

I woke up early this morning, 
And paused before entering the day. 
I had so much to accomplish 
That I had to take time to pray.

Source unknown

I love that, it makes so much sense to me.  Like much of life we rush about and expect to accomplish everything when actually sometimes we just need to stop doing and start being!

Who will write for BritMums for June and July?
Congratulations to Mama Syder, you were the lucky blogger chosen to write the Positively Inspirational round-up for BritMums for June and July.  I know you will do an excellent job as your whole attitude to life just seems so balanced and positive.  Thanks to all those who expressed an interest.

Blogger of the Week
This weeks featured #R2BC blogger is Becky from Lakes Single Mum. Becky was one of the first bloggers I met online and at the time she was going through some tough stuff. It has been wonderful to watch her move up north and then see her grow in confidence and happiness as she has established herself in a beautiful part of the country with her lovely kids. I looked back at past #R2BC linkies and discovered Becky first joined up in January 2011!  She is one of our founder members.

Come and join in.....
Why don't you join up with Reasons to be Cheerful this week? It is such a fabulous opportunity to stop and reflect on your life and to see the good in it. Have a read about what I believe and why #R2BC started, it has literally changed my life to have this weekly focus on what is good (or God) in life.  How easy is it to allow things to become doom and gloom?.

So if you want to join in, go for it.  We are a no rules kind of linky - you link up what you fancy (well as long as it is not just a blatant advert), a recipe, the simple things in life, photos, a story - whatever! Add in the blog hop code so people can travel around and then visit others and share the comment love.  But if you are not sure how to add in code or anything else, don't worry - just go for it and leave a link to your post in the comments and I'll link you up.

Have a great week, Mich x

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