Friday 27 June 2014

What I'm loving right now - a year in photos (Weeks 23 - 26)

Time to update my year in photos project.  I tried to stay away from blogging for the last few weeks and honestly I've not been that successful, I keep finding myself on here but I have definitely done less and spent a lot more time with my family, been enjoying gardening and generally having fun.

Life is good....  Here are a few things in photos that I am loving right now.

Trips to Bexhill on Sea, both on my own to think, pray and take photos and also with the family to have fun.

Going for nice long walks around the grounds of my home and shooting pictures of all the beauty I see around me. thank you Lord.

Spending time with one of our gardening team Jay, getting to know her better and getting fitter whilst wedding and helping our grounds look more presentable.

Taking the kids down to our lake on the warm days after school and they play with their friends and the volunteers who live here on site.

Using my macro filters that the fab Jenny recommended for me.  I'm loving combining them and practising my photography.

Making good choices and losing a bit of weight, whilst still enjoying myself.

As I said at the start, life is good and I'm going to keep on doing it my way with the help of the big I AM!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Mich x

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
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