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It is a hard position you find yourself in when you become a parent, my gut and heart tell me to put the kids first, they are my number 1 priority and then I go to the eating disorders meeting and that preaches that I must put myself first, what use am I to others if I am not well looked after? I find so much common sense and truth in that, but I do not seem to be doing it.
Now, do not get me wrong, I would not be arrested for the neglect, I do the fundamentals, I eat, oh yes I eat, no fear on that one. I shower and clean my clothes, teeth and hair always brushed but it is the smaller things I forget. I looked at myself today and realised I have not shaved my legs for at least a few months. Yes, you did read that. Are you recoiling in horror? My legs looked atrocious. I could not even tell you when the last time my bikini line was attended to, maybe 2004 - I kid you not and even the simple things like moisturising my skin get completely forgotten in my rush through life.
I live life in the fast lane - too fast I fear! Blink and you miss me, the only time I sit still is to blog and do my real paid work but in all this constant moving do I actually do any exercise? Nope another area I have neglected. I used to swim and go to aqua every week but I now realise this stopped last July, ekk Mich, that is a year ago.
So what else am I neglecting? OK lets name a couple more pretty serious areas, what about my marriage and my faith? Dh and I rarely spend time alone now without our computers, we have not been out alone for a good few months, our last date night was about 8 weeks ago and the bedroom is a quiet place, yes you know what I mean. When dh returns from camp we need to sort this out, oh I can not wait for our family holiday.
As for my faith, work is so busy that I am hardly ever making it to house group, I have not been reading my bible or any faith literature and my attendance at Church the last few weeks has been erratic, not through neglect but through other things going on. Life is too busy!
I have been reminded of this poem I seem to have memorised from when I was a child, it is by Michael Rosen, you may recognise it, I believe it was part of the curriculum to help teach prepositions or something and right now it sums up me and my life...
This post is my #Mumentum link-up post for this week. I have not weighed myself as I do not believe there would be anything good to report and then it would be just dismotivational. I have forgotten to use my slimpod on a few nights, I have gone to bed too late and I have eaten some junk. Whoops #MichFail!
I'd like to end the post here, but that would be negative and defeatist, not normally things associated with me, so I will remember that I am doing well at the moment in my Mummying job, also in my paid job and also in the never ending tasks that is sorting out my house after the moth invasion.
Now it is time to go to bed and pray for clarity, answers and the will to change.... Please Lord.
So what about you, are you making time to take care of yourself? Or do you find yourself spread too thin and putting the emphasis on the kids too?