Saturday 11 June 2011

Decision Made! I know what I am wearing to #CyberMummy11

Did you see my post the other day?  The one about CyberMummy and my anxieties about the day? Things were getting a bit silly and my worrying had gotten out of control!  So I did what I do when I am stressed, I wrote it all down (don't you just think blogging is the best therapy, I thoroughly recommend you start a blog if you do not already have one, even if you keep it private and no one reads it!).

Then along came you lot to offer me reassurance, to tell me you felt the same and offering hugs and squeezes.  I even had two of the CyberMummy founders drop by and leave me a positive message, which was very encouraging as I had worried I might offend them.

Anyway, after my faffing around I have come to a decision about what I will be wearing to CyberMummy and here it is -

It is anything but perfect, as my Bells Palsy of a few years ago left me with an asymmetrical smile but everyone who commented and that I spoke to agreed that their lasting view of me from blog camp or other events has been that I am friendly, happy and smiley - thank you all. What great things to be called, what more could I want?

Shall I tell you how I chose my smile outfit for the day? I took some time to reflect on blog camp.  What where people actually wearing there?  As a fairly observant person, do I remember?  Well I recall a few outfits, that of @CambridgeMummy but that was because I really liked it and I used to work with her in real life, that of @northernmum1 as she has looked different in every photo I have seen so far and oh how glam she is in real life and of course I remember @glowstars shoes, boy were they high!  With everyone else I recall the same as they did, that we had a great chat and it was lovely to meet them.  I especially loved meeting @mummymummymum @seasiderclare @notesfromhome @redtedart, @newmumonline and @superamazingmum!

So the actual outfit is still to be decided but I am no longer stressing. I think I may even make myself a big badge so you can see who I am.  Please do come and say hi, I won't bite  but I can be a bit shy..........yes really!

What about you then?  What are you wearing? has your sponsor asked you to wear something specific?  

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