Tuesday 30 November 2010

Getting My Priorities Right!

Today (and yesterday actually - go me, 2 days in a row!) I am really pleased to say that I got my priorities right.

It is so easy to get involved with the detail, the small stuff and I am known for sweating it! I just can not seem to help myself, I get stressed about crazy things.  Is my house clean enough? Have I made my video footage into a DVD yet? Why am I so fat? Will it snow some more? Have I promoted my blog giveaways enough? None of these things really matter. There are so many bigger fish to fry.

So on Monday from nowhere I found myself seriously thinking about what I would do if I found out that I was very poorly.  My actual thought process was around having cancer and being told there was only a few months to live. I know this is nothing new, that often people try and get you to put things in perspective by asking what you would do if there was only a few months left but I have never seriously considered this. It was a bit of a revelation for me.  If there really was only a few months left there would be some seriously expensive things that I would do, like flying off to Disney with my family and taking my Mum abroad to the Caribbean and I won't be rushing out and doing those things as I must still remain sensible in this as praise the Lord I have not been told I am unwell.

There were plenty of things that came to mind though, which it is now my duty to make happen.  Lying in bed with my kids snuggling and watching a DVD, going for walks through the woods, playing on the swings, doing craft together, spending time with my hubbie and enjoying each others company.

I am pleased to say that yesterday instead of hurrying my kids to bed so that I could get downstairs and either have some me time or start to tidy up the house I took turns to get into bed with each of the kids and had some serious snuggles, we did prayers and JJ read to me too.  Then at 10pm I was strict with myself and I switched the computer off and I went upstairs to read instead.

I have also booked next Monday off work and so has dh and we are planning to spend the day together, shopping, going to the cinema and having lunch, all child free - it should be bliss.

The one thing that I seriously need to keep in perspective is this blog. I was having a good think yesterday lunchtime (it was the day for it) about what hard work blogging can be and especially how much effort it takes to undertake good product reviews and to run competitions/ giveaways on your blog, so I seriously need to think about my motivation for doing this and the way forward. Do I just forget the reviews and go back to blogging for pleasure as and when I fancy.  I think I know that is the best answer for me, as I have always said this is not a business for me, it is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby and not an all-consuming popularity contest.  Do remember that Mich!

What about you?  Have you thought about your priorities recently?
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