I expect to most people the word Seasons just makes them think of the changing weather and the times of the year. For me as a Christian is has another meaning too, we tend to talk about seasons of our life. Or the phases we might go through during our life and how things and priorities change with those seasons/ phases. So for me right now, I am in the season of Motherhood. Bringing up my children is the most important thing and that takes precedence over other things. Family Rules!
So the pictures I bring to you represent this season of Motherhood and also the 4 changing seasons that we get to experience here in the UK. Looking at these pictures got me thinking that we are very lucky to be able to experience such diversity in our weather and scenery.

April/ May time earlier this year and my girls were Beauties in the Blossom, back in SPRING.

and finally the time that all the kids love - WINTER. Miss E and JJ building a very small snowman back December 2009.
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