It was my birthday yesterday. I went away for the weekend with a group of twin mummies and I had a lovely time. We headed off to Birmingham for a make over, meal out and spot of dancing. I know I had a good time as both feet are covered in blisters and I still feel knackered now! lol
The picture above is me after my make over. I do not think the photo does it justice, but a super lady at Suqqu at Selfridges made me over and did wonderful smokey eyes. I was completely pleased. I also went there last year when I went with the same group of ladies to Birmingham, it is a gorgeous treat. Suqqu are an exclusive Japanese brand that you may not of heard of. Their make up and skin care range is only available at the 2 Selfridges stores in the UK but the eye shadow I bought last year and the lipstick this year are some of the best products I have ever owned. They certainly give the other premium/ designer brands a run for their money.
I got home about 4pm and was greeted in the car by two little princesses singing happy birthday to me. This was probably the best 10 minutes of my day - pure happiness. 'Can we open your cards and presents for you Mummy?, Can we? Can we? please....'. I got presented with a lopsided but delicious cake which the girls and dh had baked for me and my garage conversion is now practically completely finished. My Dad has done an amazing job with the redecoration, thank you x.

After being home about an hour I spotted a crack running all the way down the wall in our dining room. This was just a false bit of wall and not one dh or I had ever liked so the decision was made to get rid of the wall and the dodgy arch and have some double doors instaled between our lounge and dinning room. So after getting my garage turned into a playroom and being on track we now have a great big mess in our lounge. Nothing like getting it all out the way together. Like dh says no point in getting a new carpet laid and then finding we wanted to remove the wall. Don't worry Dad we are going to engage someone to properly replaster and put the doors in.

Here is a picture to the show the POPOTOMS just how much of a mess my house is right now. I once won the 'How clean is your house award'. That would not be happening nowadays! lol Can you see all that clutter in my dining room?