Wednesday 1 June 2011

#TheGallery - I'm Grateful for...

How could I possibly resist the theme set by Tara this week?  Have you seen it?

I'm grateful for...  fill in the blank.  Well, as the girl who runs #R2BC, a weekly linky all about sharing your gratitude and finding grace in small things then this is just perfect for me.

I can be grateful for practically anything and everything.  You can call me Pollyanna!  Yesterday I was grateful for the rain, today I have been grateful for the wonderful men who have helped me get back into my house after a broken front door and every day I am grateful for....   these loons -

Not at all the most elegant or well taken pictures but they all remind me of what a wonderful family day out we had on Monday.  Some days I am driven crazy by all three kids and my husband and then I take a deep breath and count my blessings - I am a very lucky lady!

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