Friday 10 April 2020

Reasons to be Cheerful - Lockdown Edition 2

French onion soup cooking in the pot and cooking dough on sticks

This lockdown lark really is a funny old thing. I feel busier than in my regular days and all I seem to hear is 'Mum'....  but I will be forever grateful that I have people who call me Mum and I get to spend time with them during this craziness.

As you know, we are super lucky with where we live and I, therefore, can not moan too much. The weather has been brilliant and we have been all over the site, walking, playing, having cook-outs, swinging, bike riding and in the paddling pool too. We also heard yesterday we can swim in the lake if we want to.  I totally will NOT want to, but I suspect my girls might. (For anyone not in the know, we live in the 220 acre grounds of my husbands work and this means we have a whole private estate to enjoy at this time. We're not being naughty and going out!)

We put the paddling pool up today and the gazebo will go up tomorrow, so we can eat outside. I am really enjoying being outdoors a lot and have managed to clear out loads of garden toys and have a good tidy.

JJ and I have been taking some nice long walks together and we've been exploring our local village. There is nothing much there except the pub and village hall and I always drive so those, so this is the first time we have been exploring on foot and boy, is it hilly!

I had a great night to myself a couple of days ago. A bath and all sorts of nice pamper treats and it was good to be left alone for a few hours. I really do need that solitary time sometimes.

I'm trying to look on the bright side of having no work, and taking time doing some blog housekeeping tasks. They're not the most inspiring of tasks but they are necessary so I'll be grateful for the time to get them done.

Never have our shop shopping bills been quite so huge as they are at the moment, but that is because I am making myself useful and picking up items for other people. My order today had goods for around twenty people. It was hard work ordering the right things, distributing them and collecting all the money in, but it helped a lot of people, so that is good.

There is actually so much I could write about, and it is all coming to mind as I write this post. That is why #R2BC is such a godsend, it reminds you of all the little fabulous things in life that you need to be grateful for. I could mention the excellent Jodi Picoult book I've just finished or the Good Fight series that I am enjoying watching, or the Baileys that I've been drinking outside as the sun goes down.

The wine was the night before! lol

Today is Good Friday, so I am heading over to the prayer centre for an hour or two now to pray and meditate on the significance of Easter. I'm looking forward to our family dawn celebration on Easter Sunday.

Then tonight, I'm hoping to get us all a treat from the kebab shop and that's how we roll right now. Great excitement!

Happy Easter friends. Be blessed. Mich x

I'm linking up with Becky at Lakes Single Mum.

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