As the weather changes it is time to kit the kids out with new gear and why would I go anywhere else when I can use Sports Direct voucher codes to get myself a good deal?
I do love to shop and there is nothing quite like the thrill of a bargain and that is what Sports Direct is full of, absolute bargains. I think I was quite late to discover Sports Direct, just assuming it was for sporty types but actually my non-sporty family shop there an awful lot. As the prices are so reasonable it is perfect for the kids as they grow so very often and I can't afford designer prices when something might only get worn for a couple of months.
Here are a few of the items that we seem to go back for time and time again -

Raspberry coloured Crocs for Miss E, £12 at Sports Direct, compared to the RRP of £34.99. She loves these shoes as they are so easy to put on and actually quite sturdy, surviving all different weathers and one of the things I love is when she comes home with them full of mud I can just put them under the tap to clean them off.
JJ is now on his third pair of these Dunlop men's trainers and I'm happy to keep funding them at only £10.49 in comparison to the £37.99 RRP. They are a real easy wear and come in a variety of colours. You can use a wet cloth to clean up the fabric and Jif or Astonish do wonders on the white trims to get them spotless too.
Miss M is crazy about all thing New York and this hoodie is available in her size and would suit her down to the ground. The really good news is that it is in the clearance sale and is selling for just £4.99, you couldn't buy a hoodie at a market for that price and it has been reduced by £28.
Fabulous Christmas Gifts
Last year my kids had tons of clothes as part of their Christmas presents as I scoured the clearance section of the Sports Direct website and found some super bargains and when you also use a Sports Direct promo code, like the ones from My Favourite Voucher Codes - https://www.myfavouritevouchercodes.co.uk/sports-direct-voucher-codes you are on to a double winner!
Until I looked last year I would never have known that you could buy cheap accessories like headphones, jewellery, hats and belts from Sports Direct but I really did manage to secure so many gifts for family and friends.
My Favourite Voucher Codes
I'm new to using the My Favourite Voucher Codes site but there is so much on there and they have a great Trust Pilot score, which is always something I check to see how reputable a website is. There are nearly 10,000 live codes as of today and I like the fact that I can see the site is being checked and updated daily so I don't end up excited about a deal that I can't actually access anymore.
Some of my favourite stores have great voucher/ promo codes available on there - like Debenhams, Marks and Spencer, Halfords and Pizza Hut (buy one, get one free don't you know?).
It is good if you have a bit of time on your hands to choose one of the categories that you fancy and having a flick through the voucher codes and seeing what suits your family. There is something for everyone from clothes to food, to hotels, to wine and furniture.
Donating 20% of Profits to Charity
The other great thing is that My Favourite Voucher Codes donate 20% of the profit they make to a chosen charity for the month and us as their customers can vote on who should get the money. This month they are donating £347.19 to the Stroke Association and since 2012 they have raised £50,561.83 for the chosen charities - how fabulous if that? If you want to vote for this months chosen charity then scroll down the home page and click vote in the bottom right hand corner
You can Follow My Favourite Voucher Codes on Twitter and Facebook.
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