Dear Twinnies,
I truly cannot believe you are eight. Where have those years gone? You have grown so big and in some ways are wise beyond your years. In the last year we have really seen your relationship blossom and I am so glad that I persevered and insist you have to be friends. it is great to see you play together and stick together when you need to.
I had to laugh when we went out Saturday as a family to celebrate your birthday only for you not to be able to agree on a film at the cinema, so half of us went to Jurassic World and the others to Minions.
Oh well, we all got to eat our KFC together and share the car journey!
Love you both, Mummy xx

Miss E,
Being your birthday I suppose I ought to write you a little letter to record the changes we have seen in you this year. You have grown in confidence in the last few years and actually I think you have changed beyond recognition now. It was funny seeing Daddy's Grandma recently and her commenting on how much you have changed and she hardly recognised the loud and cheeky young girl you have become.
Your dry sense of humour is fantastic and I love it that you can just say something so funny but with a completely straight face, you really do crack me up. Thank the Lord that you have kept your caring nature and you still want to be friends with everyone and ensure that other children are being fair and inclusive too.
You are still enjoying your drawing, colouring and crafting activities and have developed a love of Lego too. You are just as happy in your own company as you are with your siblings or friends and you still always want to crawl up next to me for a snuggle whilst we watch a movie.
Time out together one-on-one with either Daddy or I is probably your favourite thing to do and you have taken to Cubs like a duck to water. I could really see how mature you are getting when you told me that litter picking at cubs last week was 'a great week, one of the best cubs I've done'. I can't tell you how proud Daddy and I were when we watched your school production of the Wizard of Oz last week. From the little girl who was too embarrassed to chat to people to this confident young girl who loves too dance and sing on stage.
You are a joy Miss E, you really do brighten my day and I love you.
Mummy xx

Hey MM,
How could I write a letter to Miss E and not to you? I can't of course, for it was your birthday as well. I know you would prefer to be fourteen or even eighteen rather than eight but please do try and enjoy these childhood years. This is when memories are made and fun should be had, you don't need boobs and a bad attitude just yet.
I look at you and see the young woman you will become and as I said to someone the other day I have high hopes for you. I have no idea what kind of work you might do but I know it will be brilliant, as you push every boundary and you are not constrained by societal norms. This of course makes you incredibly hard to parent but will mean you will be an extraordinary adult. Whatever happens though, it won't matter as Daddy and I will be here loving and supporting you. No pressure.
As your report shows you are very bright academically and of course you can be super helpful. I only have to ask who wants to help and you are there offering to do whatever I am asking. I love that about you and often wonder if you would thrive as a single child with all the adult attention but it is good for you to share your parents. I'm not sure what has made you so needy of adult attention but you seem to require more than most of us can offer.
Your energy has not subsided over the last year and you can still be found cartwheeling, bouncing, running or cycling whereever we need to go. You certainly have a short attention span and need new activities and thrills very frequently.
Your energy has not subsided over the last year and you can still be found cartwheeling, bouncing, running or cycling whereever we need to go. You certainly have a short attention span and need new activities and thrills very frequently.
I love those moments we walk along with our arms round each other chatting away about nothing in particular and I love your generous mature. Money has no hold on you and you would happily give it all away if you felt it might make someone else happy.
You are my loving and bright poppet and I adore you Miss M.
Lots of love, Mummy xx
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Thanks a lot, have a fantastic week, Mich x
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