I have only just tucked up my 6 year old twins into bed and they were still protesting that they wanted to do more. I'll show you exactly what they have been up to today and you will see why I need my bed...
A full English to start the day, as well as pancakes, croissant, fruit and yoghurt..... oh yes you can get it all in the Deck!
Off to the 5-8 year old club and make some picture frames for 1/2 hour or so.
A quick stop in Billy's playground and one of the Redcoats announces it is activity time. So a few games of What's the time Mr Wolf, Duck, Duck Goose and parachute games and they are very happy.
Round to the funfair for 1/2 an hour and time for the Carousel and a good bounce on the trampolines.
No pictures to share but the afternoon was spent in the Splash waterworld and they had the best time in the waves and on the slides.
Dinner tonight was in the Diner and it is a truly fabulous experience. One we do want to repeat. I'll put a full post up about this in the next week.
Every so often some entertainers start to sing but they also come and chat to you at the tables and in our case teach the girls some rock and roll dance moves.
I headed off to get us a table in Centre stage for the Cirque Du Hilarious show and the kids went off with Daddy for a while to play the penny machines and arcade games.
The night was then spent until gone 10pm watching this very funny show and enjoying a slushie and sweets.
You know the best part of this day? All the activities we took part in were included in the price of our Butlins holiday.

Disclosure: I am a Butlins Ambassador this year and as such we were provided with a 4 night break for 5 people for the purpose of undertaking a review. I have not been told what to write and I remain honest.
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