Thursday 6 June 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful - Sun, house moving and easy watch TV - Week 23

As I write this I feel really washed out, I've got a cold and my throat hurts, it is again one of those tines when I just want to curl up and hide. I was in this same boat a couple of weeks ago and I ponder if my immune system is just a bit low with the busyness of life right now. I don't fall ill much, so twice in a month is a bit much really!

My head is spinning, there is so much to do. I'm really aware that 3 weeks today we are moving 100 miles away and leaving our established life behind. We are about to embark on a new adventure and this is of course a really great thing but getting through these next three weeks may well be very stressful - there is so much to do.

However, today as I walked to school to pick the children up I decided I must focus on the positives and of course there is so much to be grateful for -
  1. The weather has taken a turn for the better and having the sun shining is always a reason for me to feel just that bit better. Putting things out on the line, not having to grab a coat as I go out the door and seeing my cheeks turn just a little rosy are all happy things.
  2. The sale of our house seems to be progressing well, the house survey has been done, all enquiries answered and a draft contract issued.  Please Lord let it keep on progressing,
  3. Someone came and picked up the contents of my shed today, don't you just love Freecycle? It makes things so easy!
  4. The packing boxes have arrived, so I can commence with that. I'm not entirely convinced this is a #R2BC but I'll try and convince myself!
  5. I only have 5 days left at work. They will be mega busy days as I delivering training on every one of them, which is not ideal but c'est la vie.
  6. It is only 15 days until BritMums Live and I am really looking forward to that.  I'm one of the butterflies, so I'll be there meeting all the new or nervous attendees and then I'm also on one of the panels at 2.10pm on the Saturday.
  7. I'm just about to watch the Apprentice and I love it, call me sad but it is my easy and relaxing watch.
  8. We had an amazing week at Butlins and it was so nice to spend time with my Mum and the kids really valued even their hour with Grandad when he came to collect Nanny.

Join in
But now it is over to you, what is rocking your boat this week? Write a cheery post, join in with the blog hop, grab the code and add it on your blog post and people can hop from blog to blog to blog....

Then go and visit at least 2 or 3 other people in the linky and show some comment love.  Pay it forward, you'll feel good for doing it!

Our #R2BC Blogger of the Week
I'm shouting out my bestest bloggy mate this week. Clare at Seasider in the City is one of the nicest bloggers you will ever meet face to face.  She is funny, genuine and a joy to be around, she is also probably the blogger who has joined in with the most Reasons to be Cheerful links up in the last 127 weeks that it has been running, for a while she had joined in more than I had but recently she has got a bit slack!  I let her off though as she leads a very busy life working full time and I just cannot imagine doing that and having to travel all over the place and be a mum too.

Clare is one of the butterflies with me at BritMums Live and I'll let you in to a bit of a secret (I hope she does not mind me saying) she is far too hard on herself and assumes that other people are more popular. So when you see her at BritMums Live give her a big smile, a hug (she is so not a hugger! lol) and tell her she rocks!  I'm sure she'll love me forever for this!

Have a blessed week, Mich xx

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