Saturday 8 June 2013

Girls picnic at the park #CountryKids

I love Saturdays, they are probably my favourite day of the week nowadays.  There used to be a time when I dreaded Saturdays as dh would be at work and there was no routine. Three young kids would leave me with a 12 hour stretch that I had no idea how to fill, if I dared to lie in for even a moment havoc and mischief would reign so it was just not worth it and I got up when they did at 6am or such and the long day loomed ahead. Then they started to grow up and they were happy to just chill for a while and they learnt how to amuse themselves and now we can go out and I do not have to hover over them as they play any longer as they all now know the rules and the boundaries.

I like having bigger kids and it suits me to have really chilled Saturdays.  Today JJ went to work with Daddy and that meant it was girls day, the girls love having just a day with me and I asked them what they fancied doing. I had already decided I would wake and then read in bed for a bit, not going downstairs before 9am but I was happy to be flexible during the day and do something they fancied.  It was agreed that they wanted to take their scooters to the park and have a picnic.

I'm still not feeling 100% from my cold so I agreed but said we would pick the picnic up from Morrison's on the way and that I'd sit and have a read and watch them play rather than being in the thick of it.  We had a fabulous time and as per always I did not actually do much reading, as I ended up the chief swing pusher and I had to keep watch of Miss M as a man pushing the big swing was giving me heart attacks.  Take a peek -

I'm linking this post up with Fiona at Coombe Mill for her #CountryKids linky.  There are always some gorgeous posts linked up, so go take a peek.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
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