Thursday 16 August 2012

#R2BC - L... is for Love

Yesterday was my birthday and after a nice evening out with dh for a yummy meal and some alone time I thought I would take the opportunity to use my Reasons to be Cheerful post as a reminder of what love is for me (romantic, husband type love that is).

So this week I give you L is for love and Love is ....
  • dh buying me the same flowers from our wedding day for our 10th anniversary in July (Stargazer lillies in case you were wondering!)
  • taking time to be there for the other one.
  • snuggling into a big chest and feeling completely safe.
  • trusting that he has my and the kids best interests at the forefront of all he does.
  • dh not nagging me when I spend too much time on the computer.... and vice-versa.
  • being willing to compromise. Not just assuming my way is right or best.
  • looking out the patio door and finding dh has mowed the lawn....  which means I do not have to.
  • coming home from work and all the washing has been done and then folded and put away.
  • dh happily letting me go off and travel alone while he looks after the kids, be it with the girls, Church or for a more worthwhile blogger trip such as my upcoming trip with to Ethiopia.
  • Growing old together.

Taken on 15th August 2012, 17.5 years after we met and 10 years after we married.

If you want to link up with Reasons to be Cheerful this week then head over and see Julie at Mama Owl, she is our lovely host for this week, while I have my summer downtime.  And a big thank you to Fay for hosting last week, much appreciated. x

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, catch you soon.  Mich x

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
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