Friday 7 July 2023

Four Easy Updates For Kids’ Bedrooms

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

{This is a collaborative post}

When you want to update your kids’ bedrooms, you may feel a little overwhelmed with the choices available. Not to mention the time, cost and effort of decorating. 

Your kids, of course, will have their own ideas of what they want their bedroom to look like. So if you’re up for painting a bedroom like the inside of a circus tent or an astronaut’s view of the solar system, you have our admiration. 

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a quick and simple solution, we have four easy updates for kids’ bedrooms that we think you will love. 

By introducing zoning, a feature wall, stripes, or a night sky ceiling, our tips will help you transform your kids’ bedrooms into a place where they will happily spend more time. 


Create different zones in your kid’s bedroom by using a strong contrasting paint colour to the rest of the decor. This will help to organise and separate the room into distinct areas such as sleeping, studying and a play or reading area. 

Updating a bedroom in this way works for all age groups, and your child can help by choosing their favourite colours for each zone. Picking colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel creates a striking visual effect. 

I've seen a great example of this before in a young boy's bedroom where he had a fire truck bed and a mock locker room for his wardrobe. There are so many fun things you can do in a child's bedroom and Children's Car Beds are one innovative way to make them fun and unique. 

Night Sky 

Rather than focusing on the walls, you can update your kid’s bedroom by creating a work of art on the ceiling. Painting a dark blue colour on the ceiling and attaching glow-in-the-dark stars will create a magical effect for your child. And it looks great with the lights turned out! 

If you want to carry on the space, then you can put a themed wallpaper on one wall to make a feature. Plus, you can decorate with lots of great space-themed items, including bed linen. 

Feature Walls 

When you don’t want to paint the entire bedroom, an easy update is to create a feature wall in your child’s room. This can be as simple as painting the wall in a more striking colour, creating patterns with paint or using decals on top of a neutral colour wall. 

A feature wall is something that can easily be changed as your child grows and won’t involve repainting the whole room. 

Photo by Blake Woolwine on Unsplash


Stripes are a timeless addition to your kid’s bedroom and can be as strong or as subtle as you like. Whether they are horizontal or vertical, you can create some wonderful effects simply and quickly with paint and masking tape. 

A feature wall can incorporate some diagonal effects if you are feeling adventurous and brave. Or how about that circus tent look by painting red stripes from the centre of the ceiling halfway down the walls?! There is so much you can do with a little imagination.

Armed with these four easy updates for kids’ bedrooms, there’s no excuse for you not to get stuck into this project right away. You’ll be thoroughly rewarded by the reaction of your kids when they see the amazing transformation of their bedroom.
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